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Atmo's list! Looking for Garchomp X and Unleashed!

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RE: Atmo's trade list


Very well. I have no choice but to accept. Rare candy I can live without and I have multiples of Bebe's search
RE: Atmo's trade list


I thought this would be a good chance to offer up my Japanese neo Genesis Feraligatr. It's the higher level card with the "downpour" poke-power. However due to its different "back", i cant use it in my deck. So if anyone wants to give me the USa version for my Japanese Feraligatr, I would be quite appreciative!

I also have a Holo Fossil Lapras available for trade
RE: Atmo's trade list

Would you trade to Australia?
If so, I've got:
1x Kabutops (Rev.Holo-MD)

CML to see what I need (my wants are on post #7 of my thread).
RE: Atmo's trade list

depends on postage, but i already have a deal secured for kabutops. sorry
RE: Atmo's trade list

Hello, I need your:
Lass (Base Set 2)
Item Finder X2 (Base Set and Base Set 2)

CML for those please, I've got bunch of old cards, just tell me your particular needs if it's not a problem. Also, I've got Darkrai Lv. X... I can sell it for 20$ + these 3 cards, let me know.

RE: Atmo's trade list


ahh at long last, I can rid myself of these trainers. I have Darkrai Lv X too. I need normal Darkrai to use him though.

I'm sorry, I don't buy or sell, just trade. And I'll have to calculate the total postage for overseas shipping, though I doubt it will cost much for 3 cards (I saw your backing out policy and really dont want to appear as ripping you off at all. My money is tight.). Here's what you have that I have interest in. I'm not asking for them all, just a number of these that would equal my 3 trainers:

Holon Phantoms Kabutops
Majestic Dawn Scizor
Legend Maker Cradilly
Legend Maker Wailord
RE: Atmo's trade list

I can give you either Cradilly or Wailrod (both holo from LM) for these 3 trainers (Scizor is kinda on one of my "to be" deck lists so I can't afford to trade him, especially for 3 Base Set trainers. LMK which of those 2 you want. Thanks,

RE: Atmo's trade list

I choose Wailord. PM me your address so I can calculate postage and reply with mine.
RE: Atmo's trade list

...or dont! heh.

UPDATE! I got another Mothim in my Secret Wonders pack today. And I have no need for a second, so It's now up for trade!
RE: Atmo's trade list

Actually I need a normal Darkrai. Not Lv X. I have a Lv X but need a normal one to use it. Sorry. I also just offered up my TSD to another trader so first I have to see if he still needs it.

LIST UPDATES: I somehow managed to pull both a RH and normal LA Torkoal in the same pack :| So I'm offering 1 of them up for trade.

I also pulled an MD Infernape and so I now have 2. 1 of them is up for trade.
RE: Atmo's trade list

That'll work just fine. I'm gonna cancel with the other guy simply because I want Darkrai just that much :p

If you still have my PM fromour previous trade, you should know my address. I still have yours and i will promptly send out by tomorrow afternoon!
RE: Atmo's trade list

Ok, i will send as soon as i recieve k,, but just to finalize i will PM you
RE: Atmo's trade list

Sounds good! And once completed, i will finally be able to use all my Lv X cards!

NEW WANTS: Torterra and Rhyperior! I will be getting their Lv X counterparts in tins soon and will want to use them!

Also, I'd rather like a Magnezone should anyone have one.

STILL I'm desperate to get an American neo genesis higher-level Feraligatr in exchange for my Japanese one.
RE: Atmo's trade list

I have:
Neo Discovery Politoed (poor condition, will trade for Common)

Diamond and Pearl
1x Mismagius

Mysterious Treasures
1x Blissey
3x Typholsion (One is Reverse Holographic)
1x Azelf
1x Uxie
1x Lumineon

Secret Wonders
1x Charizard
1x Gastrodon West
1x Jumpluff
1x Mew
11x Salamence

Reverse Holographics:
Diamond and Pearl
Manaphy (Stamped)
Grotle (Stamped)

Mysterious Treasures
Lake Boundary

Secret Wonders
Gastrodon East Sea
Unown N
Unown Z

Great Encounters


Psychic Cube 01

I want:

1x Claydol (Great Encounters)
4x Kingdra (Legends Awakened)
2x Time Space Distortion (Mysterious Treasures)
1x Call Energy (Majestic Dawn)
1x Cynthia's Feelings (Legends Awakened)
RE: Atmo's trade list

I posted a list of things that you said you may be interested in; that's not my entire list.
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