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Atmo's list! Looking for Garchomp X and Unleashed!

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RE: Atmo's trade list

ohhh ok. In that case, the only thing you want that i have is the call energy

Zierant, you want my fossil raichu and my palkia plus which torkoal? RH or not? I like your offer by far and will accept it after I'm clear on what you want from me.

UPDATE!: I have new haves that I pulled today in a pack.

Mysterious Treasures Abomisnow is now up for trades.
And Base Set 2 non holo Mr. Mime is also available since I pulled a better one today.
RE: Atmo's trade list


New haves posted!

Heatran (Legends Awakened. Non holo. Pulled it in a pack)
Jumpluff (Secret Wonders)
Deoxys-Defense (Holon Phantoms)
RE: Atmo's trade list

Sorry, I don't buy or sell. Not even to a fellow Wisconsinite, my friend :) (I live in Eau Claire)
RE: Atmo's trade list

I know so many people now that live in Wisconsin and that are members on PB. Well, thanks anyways...
RE: Atmo's trade list

Heh we need a tourny or something. Yeah sorry. I updated my rules though so everyone will know now
RE: Atmo's trade list

Ah nobody informed me. I'll stop by there sometime one of these days. Eau Claire is a ways away from GB though.

Anyway back on topic! Offers! Send offers! Anyone!
RE: Atmo's trade list

Kabutops EX Legend Maker Holo

Heatran Legends Awakened
RE: Atmo's trade list


Reverse Holo Bebe's Search is now up for grabs. Why this card is so high in demand is beyond me, but hey I'll gladly trade it!
RE: Atmo's trade list

Togetic (GE)
Scizor (MD)
Misdreavous (EX: TRR)

Bebe's Search RH (only if it's mint, no scratches)

LMK, thanks.

RE: Atmo's trade list

That's a LOT of offering. wow. I HAVE to accept. the card should be fine as it went to the sleeve and toploader shortly after being pulled. I eyed it closely. Not a scratch on it! I will PM you with to finalize the trade!
RE: Atmo's trade list

Could I replace Scizor MD with something else of my list? (CML for something else)

Thanks, LMK.

RE: Atmo's trade list


No I do have a post.

First Edition Neo Genesis Magby is up for grabs now. I was mad when I pulled that card too. Plenty of awesome rares in NG and I had to get the wimpy baby pokemon....ugh. Someone please help me get rid of this card!

I am very eager to rid myself of my Lass and Item Finders. I pulled them both in 2 packs i bought years ago and hated them then (I wanted hard-hitting pokemon, not worthless trainer cards). I never use any of them in my deck and would love to have away with them.
RE: Atmo's trade list


New Pokemon are available for offers:
Regigigas (Legends Awakened)
Dugtrio (Base Set)
Magneton (Base Set)
Raichu (Base Set. NOT MINT! Pretty scratched up.)

FIRST EDITION Neo Genesis trainers are also up for grabs as well:
Super Energy Retrieval
Energy Charge
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