Finished Attempt to Kill Uberchu V.whatever

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And how, exactly, is that supposed to kill him? Completely humiliating, but not enough for his death...

I make Uberchu fight cows, which are the single most evil creatures that walk this earth!
He visits the doctor, who saves him!

I decide to let Uberchu live, which he then kills himself promptly...
ahah, but he had recently used double team and it was a FAKE COPY OF HIM ( ...gasp... )

I make uberchu sit a 1st grade spelling test and he get's 0/1 ( the word being 'Uberchu') and he dies of humiliation.
Uberchu just quits the window, and then kills the person who posted it, uberchu is again supreme >:3

I make uberchu eat brownies and the calories make him die! bweheheh! :3
His little brother, Upichu, eats them all and dies of the killer calories.

I install an off button on Uberchu. Not an on button, just an off button. I turn Uberchu off and throw him into a volcano.
the volcano is long dead, and so uberchu just lies there off an un-named ninja turns him on

( bweheheh uberchu lives)

I make Uberchu list all the emotes in the world and his hand dies and then he kills himself because he missed out ( •)<
then you have some deep constipation, as icky as it is Uberchu lives!

I make uberchu play Ultimate duck hunting ( a 3D duck hunting game with 5 levels) he dies of boredom
It's boring, but not that boring!

I trap Uberchu in a room with, SHARKZ WITH LAZOR BEAMZ ON THEIR HEADZ!
You forgot to fill the room with water, and you didn't notice that the LAZOR BEAMZ ON THEIR HEADZ! didn't have batteries included.

I set Domo-kun, Chuck Norris, and Trogdor on Uberchu.
OMG, you really are from England, you called a diaper a "nappy".

Anyways, Uberchu has cold, so he can't smell...

I trap Uberchu in a room with, SHARKZ WITH LAZOR BEAMZ ON THEIR HEADZ! This time, I make sure to fill the tank with salt water, and put in working batteries on the LAZOR BEAMZ! The batteries are also water-proof. Uberchu's Teleport can't be used anymore, as well.

I teleport Uberchu into Soul wars.
What giant guinea pig? Oh, you mean the one I ate?

I trap Uberchu in the Bermuda triangle, Muahahaha!
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