Finished Attempt to Kill Uberchu V.whatever

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Uberchu walks out of the room.

I get Uberchu to drink poisonous spaghetti sauce. And Uberchu's allergic to spaghetti sauce.
The door was made of paper. Door does nothing.

I write down Uberchu's name in the Death Note, now with fireproof and rip-proof pages.
But are they freezeproof? I think not. Uberchu uses Aurora Beam and it is now frozen and useless.

I clone uberchu and make him battle himself.
Uberchu turns the water to stea with such ferocity that the steam shoots him out of the well 10 miles into the air.

I send 2 AA missles against Uberchu.
They're duds.

I trap Uberchu inside a snowglobe and shake it up extremely fast. Did I mention the snowglobe is filled with death spikes?
Uberchu is made out of Steel, and the spikes do nothing but tickle him...

I blow up Uberchu with a WMD...

i trap uberchu in a bomb which will self destruct in five seconds and will blow up everything in five miles
You are level one. Uberchu's health: 9999999999999998/9999999999999999

I hire an assassin to kill Uberchu.
The assassin was fried by thunder bolt.

I delete all of uberchu's attacks and get rid of all clones then tie an anchor to his ankle and drop him in the ocean.
Little did you know that you didn't drop Uberchu into the ocean; you dropped the ocean into Uberchu.

I make Uberchu battle Chuck Norris in a fight to the death.
Though Uberchu doesn't have Teleport anymore, you never made an attempt to kill him. So he shocks you and laughs at your failure.

I use Mean Look, then Perish Song on Uberchu, then stall it out until we both get killed.
Uberchu throws a Master Ball at you, capturing you, which ends the battle.

*Uberchu caught Pokefan4000*

I kill Uberchu...
How? Knife? Water? Pokemon battle? Besides...I caught Uberchu! Release! Stay awat from PokeChamp next time, Uberchu!

I take over Uberchu's body, make sure it's not a clone or Ditto, and make it stab itself with an unbreakable knife, causing us both to die. I earlier used Max Repel and Legendary Repel to make sure no Pokemon could interfere.
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