Finished Attempt to Kill Uberchu V.whatever

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Uberchu has the power to resist the temptation to take the ring (like Gandalf and Aragorn). Epic Fail.

I set the Balrog on Uberchu!
The Balrog is on Sauron's side, and Sauron doesn't like you!

I pit Uberchu against the ent's in a slap fight!
The Orcs attack the Ents and burn them to the ground...

I set Galadriel on Uberchu, (She'll annoy Uberchu to death).
True, true. Uberchu dies from annoyance... but I bring him back to life!

I make Uberchu date Paris Hilton...
The Hilton hotel line goes bust and Paris Hilton runs away crying...

My cat Hobbes tears Uberchu to bits!
Uberchu sinks its great, dirty fangs into your thumb!

I set pathetic Team Rocket with shotguns on Uberchu...
Uberchu <3s the Rickroll and just keeps watching until he gets bored and electrifies the computer.

I make Uberchu come around some some smelly fat kid, which can be deadly in many ways.
Uberchu is heatproof.

I put Uberchu in a room with a Gastly who just used Destiny Bond, then Uberchu destroyed Gastly, forcing him to destroy himself as well!
uberchu controls his own destiny so the gastly is revived.

i trap uberchu in a room with the blue shadow virus
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