Finished Attempt to Kill Uberchu V.whatever

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Err...a bit of a problem with that. For one, the power's out. So the walls wouldn't close on him, and if he were to get out, the heat wouldn't cook him, since there is no heat. Oh, you didn't know the power was out? Tough luck.

I RickRoll Uberchu over and over and over and over and over again.
Nice try, but Uberchu knows the secret trick to getting out of it, and your computer eventually crashes, so you fail.

I send out my Pichu army against Uberchu, and I sense a slap fight!
You can't send anything to the bottom of the ocean without the equipment to be able to send things down there. You just said so yourself.

I force Uberchu to watch reruns of the worst TV show in history.
Who is Ubercu? A clone of uberchu? Oh well, at least it is not uberchu!

I slash Uberchu in half.
Uberchu is made out of rock!

I trap Uberchu in a high-security prison, guarded by a lv. 100 Arceus. It is also underwater, and if the door opens, it will flood the whole place, killing Uberchu. Also, the water is guarded by sharks with lazer beams on their heads!

Get out of this one Uberchu!!!
Uberchu uses teleport!

I kill every single Uberchu and his clones, and destroy all methods of bringing it back to life. So there!
If you read the book "The Alchemist", you would know that everyone's soul is connected to the soul of the world. This means everyone basically is everyone else. So by killing Uberchu, you kill yourself. Then, something deus ex machina comes into play, and revives Uberchu.

I defeat Uberchu in a children's card game, and he dies out of humiliation.

P.S. The Alchemist's rule only applies to 6294.
Nice try, but 4Kids censored the killing, and all that happens is him losing 2000 Life Points LOL.

I kill Uberchu, his clones, and get rid of all methods of bringing him back to life. And by the way, I send him to another planet, so the "Alchemist" rule doesn't apply! He also can't use Teleport, or Fly to get back to earth so "The Alchemist" rule can apply
Uberchu's egg hatches, revealing a ton of new Uberchus!

I smash the last egg!
But the Uberchu inside it escapes!

I infect Uberchu with a deadly poison, set him on fire, put him to sleep, store him in a refrigerator, and then I blow him up while he's still in the refrigerator!
There's more than one Uberchu!

I do nothing to him. that kills him.
Sadly, Uberchu is nothing-proof, therefore, you have failed!

Uberchu gets in a fight with a level 100 Arceus. Previously, Crobat used Mean Look on him, so he can't get out of battle, he's been Imprisoned and all of his moves are shut down. Shuckle used Power Trick, so he has the attack stat of a Shuckle! He's also left at 1 HP, and has everyone of his stats reduced to less than NU range. Arceus uses Judgment on Uberchu, can you get out of this one? Well, just try it!

P.S, he can't be cloned either! Or brought back to life!
Remember. After this there still is another million left! (Remember the eggs!)

Arceus destroys every single one, and deleted it from the memory of everyone, and makes sure they can't come back. Also there are no eggs left!
Uberchu has an ability called infectious spore. Whenever Uberchu is knocked out, the Pokemon that knocked him out becomes an Uberchu!!!1111

But let's say now that Arceus uses Skill Swap, what in the heck do you do now!
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