Finished Attempt to Kill Uberchu V.whatever

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Zombichu gets a little help from some good old celebi+dialga teamwork

Three step plan:
1) I turn Zombichu back to Uberchu
2) Turn Uberchu into explosivechu
3) I explode explosivechu

Explosivechu will explode a lot with or without my help
Explosivechu uses Explosion and Endure at the same time, 1hp leaves and he uses a full restore, turning him back into Uberchu.

I use my most horrible puns to OHKO Uberchu. (Nothing can save him now! You don't know how horrible my most horrible puns are.....)
You catch his cold, and it slowly kills you. Serious cold.

I throw shurikens at Uberchu.
But Dialga stops time, giving UberChu enough time to watch Nigahiga's how to be ninja, and he catches all the shurikans with chopsticks.

I throw UberChu in an endless put of despair, then set out to kill Dialga+Palkia, then kill every single other pokemon, and destroy all pokemon centers, and everything that isn't me, my pit of despair, the earth, and Uberchu.
You clearly stated that you didn't kill Uberchu. So, technically, you never made an attempt to kill Uberchu. And what exactly is an endless put of despair? Oh, you mean an endless pit of despair? You should've been more specific.

I roundhouse kick Uberchu, with the force of Chuck Norris.
But Uberchu ducks, and the momentum of your kick causes you to go flying!

I use an intricate machine to teleport Uberchu into space, where there is no oxygen.
You're still in the endless put of despair, and you fail.

I give Uberchu a bomb inside a bottle of ketchup that explodes while Uberchu opens the bottle of ketchup.
Uberchu will not eat ketchup so he throws it back at you.

I read Uberchu Garfield comics until he laughs so hard he dies.
Mrs.Fulmer meets Uberchu, but she is blinded by his pure Uberness!

I send my army of Uberchu clones to kill uberchu, and each clone is just as Uber as Uberchu!
They find Uberchu and they kill you instead.

I put Uberchu in chemistry class for 19 years with the most boring teacher ever: Mr. KRAAMWINKEL!!

*begins laughing like evil*
Something goes wrong and Uberchu blows up Mr. KRAAMWINKEL.

I turn Uberchu into a chocolate bar then eat the chocolate bar. do know that's not really chocolate, right? Put it down.

I give Uberchu a dangerous outworldly disease that slowly kills victims frim the inside.
L_X_F said:
You are allergic to chocolate and throw it up, and Uberchu turns back to an Uberchu.

Uberchu gets banned at Nintendo-Sponcered Events for being and Uber, Smogon hates it, and NO ONE tries to save it from the Akatsuki!!!

...but you beat me to the Uberchu thing, so...yeah...

Trauma Center people save it, and Uberchew destroys the WHOLE COMPANY!!!

^Read above know, the banning stuff...^
The last poster was dreaming of ideas.

I kill every single Uberchu and Uberchu clone with 100% of killing him.
Yugi Moto activates Monster Reborn, bringing Uberchu back to life.

I obtain the Smash Ball, transform into DesertMan from Megaman Battle Network 3, and obliterate Uberchu using my patent-pending Arijigoku sand whirlpools!
sand whirlpools? there's no such thing ,oh you must of meant sandstorm you need to use the right wording for that to work so it fails .

i trap uberchu in a room where the walls are closing in on him and there's no way out and if he gets out he is automatically in a cage thats on a frying pan with the heat on
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