Finished Attempt to Kill Uberchu V.whatever

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Uberchu uses Thunder. The piano is desroyed.

Giratina opens a one-time portal to a new dimension that can no longer be acessed.
Uberchu doesn't go inside. (sorry man, too obvious)

Dear pesky pokébeachers,
The Koopalings and I have taken over the pokébeach forum.
Uberchu is now a permanent guest at one of my seven koopa hotels!
I dare ya to find it if ya can!
Uberchu demolishes all the hotels and escapes. You chase uberchu, but it uses agility, runs back at you and runs you down.

I trap him in a computer game and destroy the game.
Bowser reacatches Uberchu right before that and puts him in Larry's Hotel.

I team up with tsuni_the_kingdra_master to cast the ultimate spell, Twin Dinner, on Uberchu.
Uberchu uses Protect. You said he knows that yourself.

I have the Move Deleter delete Protect from Uberchu's moveset.
What exactly is "it"? Uberchu? Chuck Norris? Rick Astley? Neptune? I assume you meant Neptune.

Now that Uberchu can't use Protect anymore, I team up with tsuni_the_kingdra_master to cast Twin Dinner on Uberchu.
i don't know what that is so it fails

i remove uberchu from the time and space so uberchu never existed therefor dialga can't bring him back into existence
It missed (attacks miss with improper grammer (Uberchu, capital "U"))

I team up with pokefan4000 to cast twin "DIE", "DINNER", "a barrel roll", and "A group of young warriors". (If you don't know what that is, you really need to get out less.)
All true warriors strive for cum, so you lost your group of young warriors. Since mah boi is up to my stuff, your face burns, and Uberchu is spared.

I skewer Uberchu.
He dodges it.

Giratina opens a one-time portal to a new dimension that can no longer be acessed, then throws Uberchu in before closing the portal.
Who is Ubechu? is it a friend of Uberchu? Well, who ever it is is having a bad day. Palkia doesnt just use spacial rend on random things, is Ubechu evil? Is it a clone of Uberchu? I assume so.

I force Uberchu to watch Rick Roll'd.
Everybody besides Uberchu goes insane.

I force Uberchu to watch a Youtube Poop, giving him AIDS and killing him off s.l.o.w.l.y.
He recovers with the newly discovered cure. (Hopefully. They may actually have one now.)

I make Uberchu duel Chuck Norris. (HAH! I HAVE YOU ALL NOW!)
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