Finished Attempt to Kill Uberchu V.whatever

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Interesting aim considering you missed Uberchu and hit a swarm of beedril.

I use the power or Dialga, Palkia and Giratina to send him through time and space and then the lost world. In that journey Uberchu lost all of it's memories (anyone played PMD2?) Then while it is now an ordinary pikachu and no longer Uberchu, I ask Dialga, Palkia and Giratina to remove him from existence and they follow.

Arceus helped so he took out himself and the dragon trio so no-one could put him back into existence. It's not a ditto because you can't fool Arceus. It's not a clone because Palkia would know he was. He can't time travel because Dialga would tell me. Both of them would get rid or Uberchu at all costs
Heh. You were wrong. It actually was a clone and the legends let the real Uberchu live!

I lock him in a sewer with no food,no drinkable water, and no other way out. The sewer is also filled with toxic gas, so while putting uberchu in there, I use a gas mask.
And no, it is not a clone or a ditto.
Gratz. over 999999999999999999999 to go!

I burn it. No flame proof suits or anything. Also he's in a rift in space and I killed both Palkia AND Arceus so it couldn't re-open. By the way, I also checked and it's not a Ditto or Clone. And it's not a reagular Pikachu either. I wonder who's gonna think of something to save it...
The ball isn't stationary yet.

Shoot! It was so
close, too!

Ooooh... Tough luck, man!

I slice off his tail.
All you did was stop it from using Iron Tail and Tail Whip.

I wait for Uberchu to die a natural death. No clones, no robots, no other Pikachu, no time warps, no Ditto, no revives of any sort. I then stuff him in a coffin, have a funeral, and bury him in the dirt. Just to be safe, I also fill the coffin with water so he drowns if he somehow does get out.
Uberchu doesn't die. Naturally or artificially.

I hax its systems and delete it through glitches.

I forge a godsword and slice Uberchu in half. It is not a ditto, not a clone, not a regular pikachu and not a robot.

I eat uberchu and chew it up. Not a clone, robot, drawing of uberchu, regular pikachu, or ditto.
you're really lame you know that...

It was a ditto after all! :eek:

I send a nuke towards Uberchu blowing up everything in a 10 mile radius
It's called a bunker!

After checking that it is NOT a Ditto, NOT a robot, NOT a clone, NOT a drawing, NOT a regular Pikachu, NOT a look-alike, NOT someone or something in disguise (costumes count), and IS the Uberchu, I have Uberchu eradicated from the Space-Time continuum FOREVER! AND, Dialga locks time so NO MORE TIME-TRAVELING IS POSSIBLE EVER!!!

I kill uberchu(no details). Not a clone, or anything other than the real uberchu.
Dialkia198 said:

It's not a ditto, not a ordinary Pikachu, not clone and I'm 200% (yes I'm that sure) that it is the real Uberchu I squash it with a hammer, burn his remains and but his ashes and but them into 4 different urns and scatter his ashes in the ocean, a volcano, a mountain and my friend's cat's kitty litter.

This game used to be about finding out creative ways to find flaws in the last posters plan. You can't just say "clone" or "ditto". The game isn't as fun as it used to be.
200% isn't a real percentage when dealing with parts of a whole. You are instead 50% certain, and therefore not very certain at all. It turns out to be a Pichu.

I spear it.
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