Finished Attempt to Kill Uberchu V.whatever

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Well... the Teletubbies don't exist, because they got sued. (some little child gave her TV a hug, and... I shall go no further), and Uberchu uses Blizzard on Elmo and Binky. (Blizzard hits 2 things at the same time =/)

I use a sniper rifle to assassinate Uberchu.
Did you know Uberchu knows Double Team and routinely breaks the Evasion Clause?

I send him to Auschwitz c. 1943
He has a time machine. He calls it "Celebi".

All the legendary Pokemon combine their powers to somehow trap Uberchu forever.
Clone #43652245663 successfully trapped!

I tell Uberchu the Only Joke That When Heard Will Make Everyone Die Laughing, only I tell it in Pika Pika tongue after having a large team translate the joke one word at a time.
Since you require a translator, the translator is very slow so after you told the joke Uberchu got bored and couldn't remember the beginning, so he didn't die laughing

I strangle him, make him swallow dirt, make him breathe in water and puncture is vital organs.

(We should make a rule about cloning. It's just getting ridiculous!!)
Then while your in the Rocket, the Engine warning lights start to flash. *Engine splutters and fails* and you fall back to Earth. The rocket lands in the ocean and your Antidote vile breaks and spills into the ocean, reacting with the pollution in the ocean and creating a layer of steam 2 km thick that is spreading around the world cleansing the air.

What if I lost my job today???
Then you'd find Uberchu and work for him as a journalist of his life.

I forcefully make Uberchu inhale poison gas with stakes. (Not the meat, the wooden kind.)
Wrong factory.

I pour an explosive liquid all over Uberchu. Then I light the match and run for cover.
You're still holding onto the match, genius.

I make a Groundon stomp on Uberchu. Uberchu does NOT know Dig, Protect, Detect or anything else. It also has no TM's OR HM's on it and I made the Move Deleter delete all of it's moves on pain of death. Die, Uberchu!
It eats you from the inside out.

I kill it (no specifications, no clones, no revives, no dodges, IT IS DEAD. It is the real Uberchu and it is now dead, no arguement.)
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