Finished Attempt to Kill Uberchu V.whatever

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I've heard Dittos are a great source of portein.

I chain Uberchu down and inject with anestheisa, then shoot him with a machine gun and blow him up with a bomb, then Link chops him up.
Uberchu skillfully destroys the shell with his all-new missle defense system he got for 20% off at his local Walfart Walmart.

I throw a Walmart at Uberchu....skillfully...

You throw like a girl who dosen't play sports.

I aim a 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 nukes at the world and I never miss.
Snorchu said:

Now that that's cleared up...

I send the biggest failure in the world into the Underworld*, then I throw a knife at Uberchu.

*AKA Bob Franklin
Uberchu uses Hide to dodge the knife, then comes back and casts Omega on everybody.

I stab Uberchu in the neck with a paddle.
It wasn't sharp enough to penetrate Uberchu's super skin!
I throw Uberchu down the deepest hole that goes right to the center of the earth and Uberchu has an anchor wrapped tightly around him.
Apparently since I'm in the underworld I cut the rope and throw him back on the crust.

I send T.V. Producers to try to make him into a reallity show.
but you forgot there was another copy of the key in the room. uberchu gets out of the room

I send out groudon
Groudon does absolutely nothing because you never gave it a command. Ha!

I laugh at Uberchu until I turn blue in the face.
Uberchu doesn't like Coke.

I hand Uberchu a grenade desgiused as ketchup! (He likes ketchup)
No, he likes Ketchum. Learn the difference.

I train Ash to be a suicide bomber, then I reunite him with Uberchu.
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