Finished Attempt to Kill Uberchu V.whatever

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They all miss and have to recharge, so he gets away.

I use my Bankai on uberchu and kill it!
A puff of smoke appears, it was a log! Uberchu appears behind you and uses Rasengan! (Apparently, Uberchu's been taking lessons from Naruto...)

I defeat it.
You kissed its female counterpart. It falls in love with you.

I put it in an Anti-Pika Compartment by J&J Rocket.
Yes, but what does Uberchu about it? He destroys the building.

I use Mind Reader, then Sheer Cold on Uberchu.
Before it could do any damage Uberchu washes it off

I use a reverse aging machine that makes uberchu go into a state that isn't death but prelife
He is born again, but this time he brought siblings....

I get Dialga to throw Uberchu into a time rift, where he is doomed to spend all eternity in the land of Nowhere.
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