Finished Attempt to Kill Uberchu V.whatever

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(I will be a hypocrite and make this about cloning) I cloned one more before you stab uberchu so you stabbed the clone!!

I seal Uberchu into an electric proof box, then wrap the box in chains, then put it into a bigger box which is made from lead and replace all oxygen with poison gas. Then I bury the box under the sand in the deepest ocean. He can't float. He is underwater (no way to get out). I've checked there are no clones. He's locked, how will he get out?
it was a clone

I turn him into pikalax and he's so ugly he commits suicide and its not aclone, ditto or pikalax.
That's spelled Anhialate.

But how? How do you anhialate him? How do you know that he is a he?

I get it fixed. Now it can't extend its lineage!
The rubber suits are porous. They do not resist electrical charge. Your are screwed.

I gouge out his eyes and stab him in the chest.
A regular Pikachu wants to marry you.

I inserts a microchip in Uberchu so we can always know if it is Uberchu or not.
The microchip is disabled and cannot be enabled. Furthermore, it cannot kill Uberchu.

I give Uberchu a brain tumor.
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