Finished Attempt to Kill Uberchu V.whatever

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No ammo.

I make a yoshi turn Uberchu into an egg and drop it into the sea, then a wailord eats the egg.
Wailord hates the taste of the egg and does not bite it and Uberchu survives.

I take a fully loaded AK-47 and shoot Uberchu in the head before he has time to dodge.
...what the heck is that supposed to do? Uberchu can live without a tail. Besides, he can grow it back.

I use the Falcon Kick on Uberchu.
But Uberchu breaks your leg!

I summon Chuck Norris and he uses a fatal Roundhouse Kick to the face!
You never specified who "him" is. It could be a random guy. It could be Chuck Norris. It could be your dog. So it's your dog.

I throw the Rope Snake at Uberchu.
The snake rope turns around and see's a lady Rope Snake and falls in love. <3

I smother Uberchu in cheese put him on a cracker and then eat him.
P.S The rope snake you threw is a boy.
Lol, you caught some random pikachu instead of him, but then the pikachus get mad for you killing one of them and beat you up :p
I throw a gernade at uberchu.
You accidently drown a Groudon somehow you got them mixed up.

I attach a Devoluter to Dusknoir and devolve Uberchu into Pichu.
But each part your ripped of of Uberchu crawls back into place, until I flush it's heart out with UNBREAKABLE, SHOCKPROOF, WORKING, UNCLOGED, LEADS DIRECTLY into a bowl of cereal then I eat him for Breakfast, toilet.
The nuclear power turns the hacked up bits into mutant Uberchu babies, who then fuse back into the original.

I sic Delibird on Uberchu. :0
Uberchu gets an actual present.

I convince all of the legendaries to use Hyper Beam on Uberchu at the same time.
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