I steal his shoes, put him and all his clones in a massive tar pit which never can be escaped from and duct tape twinkies on his massive head so he never can get him TEE-HEE
Uberchu catches the punch
marc sends out alien santa (you know what i mean Magma King ) and alien santa sends out litle elfs with sub-machine guns and snowman that turn uberchu into ice! With about 9098668 lead bullets in uberchu's brain
Uberchu reflects your elf's bullets with Magical Wall of Reinforcement and then summons the Blue Eyes White Dragon to destroy your snowmans and the rest of your life points.
I remove the uber-status of Uberchu and kill it while it is a normal Pikachu...
while failing one step of the way.
Uberchu was hiding behind a brick wall the whole time and now you are dead and in many pieces....iwwww.
Uberchu says he quits and I shake his uber hand and then hit him with a baseball bat in the head while doing the peanut butter jelly. It was an accident! :'(