Finished Attempt to Kill Uberchu V.whatever

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The Notched-Ear Pichu hasn't hatched yet. Uberchu fries the egg for breakfast.

I steal his pimples. ^_^
An army of Notched Ear Pichu do the rain dance then attack Uberchu with Thunder in a rainstorm!
It made more clones before it dies you killed a clone (99,999,999,999,999, Clones)

I tie his shoe laces together
You didnt tie it it just blew up in the air

I steal his shoes, put him and all his clones in a massive tar pit which never can be escaped from and duct tape twinkies on his massive head so he never can get him TEE-HEE :p
flygon jedi master said:
Uberchu switches to velcro!

I drop an atomic bomb on Uberchu!


xtrabaggage, some of the clones are unaccessible, and they all can escape the unescapable. Sorry!

I use my newest attack... ATOMIC LIGHT BLAST!!!
Uberchu catches the punch
marc sends out alien santa (you know what i mean Magma King :D) and alien santa sends out litle elfs with sub-machine guns and snowman that turn uberchu into ice! With about 9098668 lead bullets in uberchu's brain :(
Uberchu reflects your elf's bullets with Magical Wall of Reinforcement and then summons the Blue Eyes White Dragon to destroy your snowmans and the rest of your life points.

I remove the uber-status of Uberchu and kill it while it is a normal Pikachu...
while failing one step of the way.
Uberchu uses his hax to get his Uberness back.

I hack to make Uberchu blow up from the inside.
It's the middle of the day -_-;;

I use the powaz of bad grammarz to kill uberchu, plox!
It gets tired and falls asleep! :O

While it's sleeping I sneak up on it and strike like a viper!
Uberchu starts snoring like crazy and uses Sleep Talk which causes HACK THUNDER!

I get tired of Uberchu and summon the Grim Reaper to take care of everything.
Uberchu was hiding behind a brick wall the whole time and now you are dead and in many pieces....iwwww.

Uberchu says he quits and I shake his uber hand and then hit him with a baseball bat in the head while doing the peanut butter jelly. It was an accident! :'(
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