Finished Attempt to Kill Uberchu V.whatever

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he rises from the dead and now called zombiechu

Marc uses minion: Issaac to push zombiechu to the otherside of the world in the most dangerous destert fall of tyranitars then marc uses the move: blow up world (tm 83 :p)
One of the Tyranitars break the TM before the move can be taught.

I send out my Pokemon that already knows Blow Up World, and it has enough PP, and it used Lock On last turn. The world blew up and finally killed Uberchu
Uberchu happens to know Detect.

I use Chuck Norris and his roundhouse kick to PWN Uberchu.
That was another clone!

I use last method, but with a field which prevents explosion!
since no one knows what last method is, it doesn't work!

I bring out 500 uberchus to team up and kill him.
There's still your 500 Uberchus... T_T

I kill them by transporting them into the future, where they are old and die naturally.
Unfortunately because you sent them to the future there still their normal age

I kill 500 (yeah I know it's a fail but it helps everyone else if there's only one left)
Uberchu doesn't like hugs he burns you and your pizza thing

MArc uses minion: Barbra to play deafening tmusic to PWN uberchu
Uberchu has an iPod, so he can't hear the music.

I age him 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years, and he dies of old age.
You killed Uberchu Clone 2954003424. There's still 4999999999 clones left to destroy, each clone having ten times the strength of the last!

I set a massive pitfall trap a la Rocket.
That only killed one, leaving 4999999998 clones.

I age all the Uberchu clones 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years, and they die of old age.
one of them escaped so there is only one left (seriously what is up with you people and suddenly adding more clones.)

I chop its head off. It can't regrow.
Uberchu used its last move point to protect itself.

Uberchu uses Struggle,and kills himself. You can't restore any PP, HP, or revive him.
Silly Paper PokeMaster! Struggle only makes you lose 25% of your health! N00B!

I throw bombs at Uberchu.
The bombs exploded one meter before they hit's Uberchu *lol*

Uberchu uses Safeguard
That's an effect move...?

Uberchu's HP is down from the bombs and Struggle, Uberchu uses Struggle again with the same effects as last time, but this time he gets a critical hit on himself.
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