Finished Attempt to Kill Uberchu V.whatever

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I use a devise that turns things normal size

I (marc) then use minion: infantry and tanks to kill cyberchu using 99999999999999999 steel bullets that can crack through anything!
It's cybercu and elecrtic and water don't mix so goodbye weavile

Marc uses minion barbra to crack open the cyborgness of him so that give marc to use fire blast on flesh uberchu
uberchu eats tanks for breakfest
1 plant mines all around him and he cant jump due to imence gravity.
he dodges all of them before exploding

I use a lightning rod to draw away it electricity and squash it with a boulder the size of Germany
Uberchu uses the Force and pushes away the boulder smaller than him.

I drop a boulder the size of Jupiter.
Uberchu smashed it with Iron Tail.

I put Uberchu in a Master Ball whiich has anti breakout technology with ZERO % chance of glitches
That was a clone and also that was Stich

Marc uses minion: Shadow on him so then he stops time slowly and gives time marc to use thunderbolt on Uberchu
He uses recover

Fridges falls from the sky and lands all around uberchu and one drops on him
unfortunately, Uberchu was in one of those wacko cartoons where flying fridges, safes, and airplanes don't hurt him at all.

I capture Uberchu in a master ball
(this was already done) I sent him out

I hypnotized him so he's a mindless zombie and I chopped off his head
He grew a new body.

I use my last method, with the right batteries!
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