Avatars and art. Closed. Use new thread.

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RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Mew v.2 added.

Mew BG is nice but the drawing of it, the head looks a bit weird like to 2d ya know ?
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Mew v.2 added.

Gliscor said:
Heh. Sorry, you already have a Flygon.

Mew (both, but mostly the shiny one) is stunningly amazing. That is awesome.

Thanks. :3

And to The Power of Three: xP Thanks.

And to Musical: Thank you. :3

And to Flygon Jedi Master: Thanks. :)

And to ShayminSky: Thanks - I'm not sure when I'll be getting around to Uxie, unfortunately.

And to Soul Seeker: Thanks. :3

And to Pokémaniac: Yeah, I'll let you use Shuckle's full body art.

I can't quite determine what the Ultimate Zone would look like, though... I'm having a rough time thinking it up, really... ^_^;

And to d master342: Thanks. :)

And to MACHAMP_MASTER: Yeah, it's fine. :3

And to Mence Master: Okay, and thank you.

And to ::DF111:: - Yeah, I could have gone with a more dynamic shading on the head, but I decided against it, since it's the closest thing to the light source with the pose I chose.

Updating the first post with a load of new art: Dialga v.2, Giratina Altered Forme v.3, and Pichu, Pikachu-colored Pichu, and Notched Ear Pichu.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Dialga v.2, Giratina v.3, Pichu added.

Xous, you have officially captured the spirit of Pichuness. And you have created yet another awesome Giratina avatar! I think that makes 5. Your second Dialga is superior to your first one, since it feels more alive, like it really is diving to attack its unfortunate prey. Good job!
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Dialga v.2, Giratina v.3, Pichu added.

Musical said:
Xous, you have officially captured the spirit of Pichuness. And you have created yet another awesome Giratina avatar! I think that makes 5. Your second Dialga is superior to your first one, since it feels more alive, like it really is diving to attack its unfortunate prey. Good job!

xD Thank you!

I'm so glad someone understood the pose of Dialga - I was worried I didn't do it well enough. D:
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Dialga v.2, Giratina v.3, Pichu added.

I'm gonna have this link to your thread here in my signature.
Is this fine by you?
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Dialga v.2, Giratina v.3, Pichu added.

The middle Pichu's a shiny one, right? The Pichu ones are so cute! And The Dialga/Giratina are awesome! Great Work one these ones! :D
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Dialga v.2, Giratina v.3, Pichu added.

Mence Master said:
I'm gonna have this link to your thread here in my signature.
Is this fine by you?

xD Yeah, that'd be fine.

And to The Power of Three: Yes, the middle Pichu avatar is the shiny version. :3 And thanks.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Dialga v.2, Giratina v.3, Pichu added.

Dialga's pose is incredible mate !
<3 it and giratina, there beauty's !
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Dialga v.2, Giratina v.3, Pichu added.

Ooooh, your noched ear Pichu is ssoo precious could I use it?

Also your Dialga has a awesome pose, keep of the..... of course you are ganna keep up the good work. XD
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Dialga v.2, Giratina v.3, Pichu added.

::DF111:: said:
Dialga's pose is incredible mate !
<3 it and giratina, there beauty's !

Thanks. :3

And to SotH: xP Thanks.

*Adds Notched Ear Pichu to "Don't Use" list*
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Dialga v.2, Giratina v.3, Pichu added.

Thanks, but I don't mind if other members use it. But I guess it's up to you. =D
You should start making posters, that would be really cool.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Dialga v.2, Giratina v.3, Pichu added.

Sadly, it's in the PB rules, and I doubt it will change. Make V.2 Notched-Ear Pichu, Xous. ;o

dmaster out.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Dialga v.2, Giratina v.3, Pichu added.

I want Gallade avatar. Would be so cool!

Good job on the progress of your avatars Xous!
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Dialga v.2, Giratina v.3, Pichu added.

SotH said:
Thanks, but I don't mind if other members use it. But I guess it's up to you. =D
You should start making posters, that would be really cool.

I've actually been thinking of doing full images like Sugimori does (you know, with backgrounds and everything), but I really haven't had the time. D:

And yeah, like d master said, it's against the rules for non-staff to use a staff member's avatar, so... ^_^; I'll make another version tonight, or something.

And to ElementalChomp9999: Thanks. :3
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Dialga v.2, Giratina v.3, Pichu added.

The Mew seems very popular. You should be hired by Ken Sugimori for you to do drawings like you did. Its obvious you have the potential to work for something like that. Or maybe you could open a shop, it will be big seller! Anyways in conclusion they are fantastic.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Dialga v.2, Giratina v.3, Pichu added.

These avatars should be a default avatar for pokebeach. When a new member signs in for the first time they can choose a magnificently drawn avatar and then they get a pm saying they must notify you for using them. If I was WPM I would so do that.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Dialga v.2, Giratina v.3, Pichu added.

I'm using both Pichu's & Pikachu for my cards.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Dialga v.2, Giratina v.3, Pichu added.

Dialga, Giratina and chubby Pichu... OMG!!!
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Dialga v.2, Giratina v.3, Pichu added.

raichupika33 said:
The Mew seems very popular. You should be hired by Ken Sugimori for you to do drawings like you did. Its obvious you have the potential to work for something like that. Or maybe you could open a shop, it will be big seller! Anyways in conclusion they are fantastic.

xP I think the Pokémon Companies may be looking for a different style, but I've got plenty of styles to use, so I should be okay if that's the case. Thanks so much! :)

And to Veritas: If WPM made them default, I think it wouldn't be fair to the other artists, but it's a nice idea. :3 Thanks.

And to Light Venusaur: Okay, but Pikachu? Oh, the Christmas Pika. Gotcha. xD [/Forgot about it for a minute there.]

And to Prof. Shinx: xD Yeah, Pichu is a bit chubby... I think it look cute. xP

Updating the first post with Palkia v.3.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Dialga v.2, Giratina/Palkia v.3, Pichu added.

Xous, I am going to be using your Palkia if that is okay :D. Keep up the good work!! :cool:
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