Avatars and art. Closed. Use new thread.

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RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Shinx and Luxio added.

Phazon-764 said:
Your art is nothing but Amazing Xous, I've tried my hand at mimicking Sugimori's style, but your work is just amazing. Keep up the good work.

xD Thanks.

And to ShayminSky!, ThePokemonProfessor, and Mr. Random: Okay, and thanks.

And to Gliscor: Thank you. :3

And to Zolorolo: If you copy and paste the URL of the Mr. Mime avatar, it'll work. Uploading it normally via the "browse for a file" section doesn't work. Uploading the URL bypasses the size limit.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Shinx and Luxio added.

i am using the umbreon avatar
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Shinx and Luxio added.

I will be using the Suicune avatar.Thanks!
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Shinx and Luxio added.

Using Empoleon,thanks.btw Most of teh avtars are a little to big for an avtar size but iv'e seen other people use them.Why is that?I'll be using the Salamence avtar for anouther website too.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Shinx and Luxio added.

Coey21 said:
I am using the umbreon avatar


And to Potatofondue and ◄Blastoise►: Okay.

And to palkia dialga clash: Okay, and...

The way the avatars bypass the size limit is by uploading the URLs into the URL zone of the avatar section. Doing so allows the file size to be larger than 20k. (That's why I have to keep telling people to use the URLs like it says in the first post. They won't work without it.)

Also, I need to know what site you'll be using the Salamence avatar on.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Shinx and Luxio added.

Oh ok Midwest pokemon Fourms.D-Expert fourms.Thanks i'll try that.

Sorry for double posting but the Link thing under the avatras right?
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Shinx and Luxio added.

palkia dialga clash said:
Oh ok Midwest pokemon Fourms.D-Expert fourms.Thanks I'll try that.

Sorry for double posting but the Link thing under the avatras right?

Okay, thanks. And yeah, the URL is the link located under the avatars.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Shinx and Luxio added.

Wow! your artwork is amazing! :D

Im gonna use the Charizard one. =]
thankyou :D
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Shinx and Luxio added.

Your artwork is looking great Xous, I like the feebass and shinx/luxio ones they are very in character.

Remember to make a seviper one, one day.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Shinx and Luxio added.

InfinityFangX said:
Wow! your artwork is amazing! :D

Im gonna use the Charizard one. =]
thankyou :D

Thanks, and okay. :3

And to ShayminJade, Azul, and sceptileblade411: Okay.

And to xanaseviper: Thanks. :3 Yeah, I plan on getting to the awesome snake soon (probably when I get some paper). :D

Updated the first post with Articuno and Smeargle.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Articuno and Smeargle added.

Wow, more awesomeness! I am gonna use Articuno, if thats ok with you.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Articuno and Smeargle added.

Bippa201 said:
LOL I love Smeargle's tongue, and Articuno's pose. I'm going to use Smeargle.

xD Thanks, and okay.

And to ShayminSky: Yeah, that's fine. :3
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Articuno and Smeargle added.

I wish their was a Latios one :(
Is it ok if I use the Santa Pikachu one?
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