Avatars and art. Closed. Use new thread.

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RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Latios added.

Oh, wow. These are awesome. O.O If you ever get around to making an Absol, let me know. <3
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Latios added.

ShayminSky said:
Latios rocks! At first I thought it was a little fat, then I saw Latios Sugimori.XD

Who's next?

Thanks. Yeah, I was worried about its width, too, but every Latios picture I used for reference had it about that size, so I just went with that. xP

As for what's next, I'm not sure. There are a lot of popular ones I need to get to, but I've been out of paper for a while now, and I've either been using old practice sketches to make into final artwork or drawing on the back of old sketches - sacrificing them, basically. I'm not sure when I'm going to get more paper, either.

And to Shining Raikou: Thanks. :3

And to xanaseviper: xP I've been out for a while now, but I've been going through the process of weighing the worth of old sketches I wanted to keep against making new full body artwork, and then I sacrifice them for the paper if the full body artwork turns out to be more important than the sketch.

And to The ultimate soul silver fan: Thanks, and okay.

And to Skylands: Thanks for letting me know. :3

And to 7Deadly$ins: Thanks. Will do.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Latios added.

Xous, have you ever thought about making non-pokemon avatars for the public? You rpokemon art is great, but I would also like to see some other stuff.

Latios is good. 8/10.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Latios added.

Juliacoolo said:
Xous, have you ever thought about making non-pokemon avatars for the public? You rpokemon art is great, but I would also like to see some other stuff.

Latios is good. 8/10.

Non-Pokémon avatars for the public? No, I don't think I'll ever do that. Though, a lot of the requests I worked on from when I first accepted requests weren't Pokémon, so I do make things like that.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Latios added.

The Ditto ROCKS!!! I am going to use the Ditto avatar. It has a great background and its pose is superb. 11/10
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Latios added.

xanaseviper said:
You could steal white paper from wherever you work, its for a good cause.

xD Ha ha ha! I wish I had a job. Three years of looking every day has still landed me no job. :/ If I had a job, though, I wouldn't really need to steal paper, as I'd have money to buy it.

And to ditto_rules: Okay, and thanks.

Updated the first post with Raikou and a very important note. Please be sure to read it, it's located at the top of the first post.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Raikou, very important note added.

That's too bad. Why did Photobucket have to do this?

The Raikou body work is good. But I find the top of the front-left leg to look like it is attached to the body. You know what I mean?
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Raikou, very important note added.

I finally got around to putting it on my Photobucket account. Hopefully this will help.

dmaster out.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Raikou, very important note added.

Xous, could I use the art for Arcanine, Ninetales, and Suicune to make a banner? Also, I put the Arcanine avatar on my photobucket account.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Raikou, very important note added.

Gliscor said:
That's too bad. Why did Photobucket have to do this?

The Raikou body work is good. But I find the top of the front-left leg to look like it is attached to the body. You know what I mean?

I'm not sure - I'd say they're doing it to be greedy, since before the premium accounts were pretty much not worth the upgrade, as they didn't offer an increase in bandwidth. So, instead of making the bandwidth for premium accounts something like 50GB and keeping the free accounts at 25GB, they decided to give the premium accounts 25GB and the free accounts 10GB. But, maybe they have good reasons to be doing this that I can't see.

At this point, with so many avatars in use and me being unable to just transfer some of the files in use to another account (I do have a third one now, though, so I'll start going between three), it's like being told to build a tower out of metal. You plan the tower so it'll stand up fine and never fall, but then they take away the metal and give you wood. All that planning you did with the metal is now worthless, and you have to sit there and watch as your tower's inevitable collapse nears. :/ Thanks, Photobucket.

Anyways, yeah, the Raikou's front legs did look a little odd to me.

And to d master342: Thanks. :D

And to -Dialga Master- : Thank you. :3

And to DogMaster40: Yeah, that'd be fine. And thank you. :)

(Wow, three "D" "master"s in a row. xD)
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Raikou, very important note added.

T_T WHY?! You made 3 Raikou, 2 of which have a shiny version, yet only 2 Suicune, none of which are shiny. :'O
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Raikou, very important note added.

So should we just copy it if we have it on our own account, or will you send us the attatchment via email?
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Raikou, very important note added.

Xous, I feel bad for you. Stupid photobucket...

Also, I am using Normal Raikou, after having a hard decision of which one to use.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Raikou, very important note added.

Using the new Shiny avatar for now. Thanks Xous! =D
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Raikou, very important note added.

How money minded of photobucket. Will be moving the avatar to my account.

Also I thought your title meant that you were asking Raikou to see your note lol
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Raikou, very important note added.

Shining Suicune said:
T_T WHY?! You made 3 Raikou, 2 of which have a shiny version, yet only 2 Suicune, none of which are shiny. :'O

Well, the three Raikou only have one with full body art (the one I just did), so that was needed. As far as a shining Suicune goes, I'll probably get around to it one day.

And to Juliacoolo: Hm? I'm not sure what you mean... If you mean moving the avatar to your own account, you can just save it onto your computer and upload it onto your photobucket account.

And to ShayminSky: Okay.

And to Shining Raikou: No problem.

And to Noobnerd: Thanks. :3

xD And yeah, I just re-read it and it does sound like that. *Changes*
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Raikou and a very important note added.

Wow! Raikou's VERY nicely done! You've done a GREAT job with him! Nice pose, good color, sweet!
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