Avatars and art. Closed. Use new thread.

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RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Seven new Pokémon added.

squirtli said:
Using Chiramii. Very good art as always.


And to Sweet Dawn Berlitz: Cool! :3

And to Ice Arceus: Sure, that's fine.

And to jirachinick, MewtwoFTW, and Shiny Hunter Haku: Okay.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Seven new Pokémon added.

Ok, ready for some tough critisism (sp?)?

Ok well I like the bird, the fire thingy, and Muuan (again sp?)

As for the chincilla one, ugh. I dont see anything wrong with your art, but it looks so basic. (well I dont like that one as a whole, but still)
And same goes for Gear. Well there isnt really much you can do with that one.
And for Shimama, I think its body is just a little too big and the mane is a liitle too small.

I still love your art, and they are always amazing, but I wasnt a fan of the above. But you are still ahead of the game, and good work :D
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Seven new Pokémon added.

Chiramii is mine! Thanks
EDIT: Post #2000!!!!!!
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Seven new Pokémon added.

I am asking permission to use some of your full body Pokemon art for my future banners. For now, I plan on using Wynaut, Heat Rotom, Staraptor, Torterra and Ampharos but plans may alter. Thank you in advance.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Seven new Pokémon added.

quick question, xous. The new pokemon are great and I assume you will be pumping those out as they appear, but have you done every other pokemon? Just wondering, as your list is extensive.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Seven new Pokémon added.

Full Moon said:
Ok, ready for some tough critisism (sp?)?

Ok well I like the bird, the fire thingy, and Muuan (again sp?)

As for the chincilla one, ugh. I don't see anything wrong with your art, but it looks so basic. (well I don't like that one as a whole, but still)
And same goes for Gear. Well there isnt really much you can do with that one.
And for Shimama, I think its body is just a little too big and the mane is a liitle too small.

I still love your art, and they are always amazing, but I wasnt a fan of the above. But you are still ahead of the game, and good work :D

Thanks for the input! :D It'll help me improve in the future.

And to eeveeman, piplup234, jboy, garrettb1, and JC3: Okay.

And to Bellomence: Sure, that's fine. Just be sure to let me know if you change your mind and want to use different ones. :3

And to safariblade: Unfortunately I haven't done all of the first 493 yet. Since Generation 5's Pokémon are being revealed in large chunks, they'll be my main focus, and I'll try and get all the new Pokémon done soon after they're revealed. Hopefully this will result in me getting Generation 5's Pokémon all done (including the "secret" legendaries, when their sprites are leaked), leaving me to work on the old 493 again.

Now that we have official-quality images for the new Pokémon, I'll be recoloring the full body art for some of them. I won't be editing the avatars, however.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Seven new Pokémon added.

Xous said:
And to Bellomence: Sure, that's fine. Just be sure to let me know if you change your mind and want to use different ones. :3
I will. Rest assured credits will always be given wherever. Thanks vyoch :p
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Seven new Pokémon added.

Im gonna use the Reshiram avatar if you dont mind Xous.....BTW haven't heard from you in a while soooooooo hi :3.....BTWW your art is awesome!! :3D (< hmmm moustache man or retarted smiley that needs a psyciatrist that has two mouths?....you decide)
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Seven new Pokémon added.

Dustin said:
Im gonna use the Reshiram avatar if you don't mind Xous...BTW haven't heard from you in a while soooooooo hi :3...BTWW your art is awesome!! :3D (< hmmm moustache man or retarted smiley that needs a psyciatrist that has two mouths?....you decide)

Sure, that's fine.

Updated versions of the full body art for Shimama, Meguroko, and Gear have been added to the first post. The colors are now mostly correct (there are some coloring details revealed in the official-quality artwork that I just don't care to go back and put in right now). Again, I didn't edit the avatars for those Pokémon, so no need to worry about changing.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Seven new Pokémon added.

Xous, ill be using the reshiram avatar for my deviantart acc
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Seven new Pokémon added.

xous ill be using the first darkrai avatar just so you know :3
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Seven new Pokémon added.

I'm using Psyduck. Too cool!

I can't believe there's no Charmander nor Luxray!
When you've got time, would you add them to the list?
Take your time, don't worry.

RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Seven new Pokémon added.

sinzrule said:
Xous, ill be using the reshiram avatar for my deviantart acc

No problem.

And to DarkraiLord: Okay.

And to Micael: xP Unfortunately the furthest I've gotten on Charmander and Luxray are sketches. Hopefully I'll be able to get completed pieces for them soon.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Seven new Pokémon added.

Xous, I'm gonna use that Tyrogue avatar on the front page. These are so cool! {F}
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Seven new Pokémon added.

me and my bro ninja pikachu are using one thanks!
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Seven new Pokémon added.

I'm going to use the Relicanth avvie.

Thank youuuu :)
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