Avatars and art. Closed. Use new thread.

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RE: New pieces. Avatars and art. Flareon/Leafeon Added.

xanaseviper said:
Can I use the flareon, its really cool!

Yeah, that's fine. :3

And to Light Venusaur: Yes you may (to both questions). :)

And to Heatran 98: Yes, you can use it. xD

And to Hebi: "Coolsauce"? xD

I've actually got Jolteon and Glaceon sketched right now, but I'll be working on Vaporeon and Eevee next, since I'm having a hard time with the poses for Umbreon and Espeon. >_<;

And to Johnny Phantom: Thank you. I've got quite a few to do before getting to Crawdaunt, but I'll definitely keep it in mind. :3

And to Noobnerd: xD I'll probably have the rest of them done today, but I can't promise anything.
RE: New pieces. Avatars and art. Flareon/Leafeon Added.

^Cool, thanx.
I can't wait to see them.
RE: New pieces. Avatars and art. Flareon/Leafeon Added.

Yes Xous, liquidy and full of cool ;D

A suggestion for the poses of Espeon and Umbreon, you could do it like they pose in the games or you could try something thought up by the superior Hebi mind, for example, Espeon could really abuse the feline factor the Eevvelutions have by standing straight up with it's tail to the wind. Umbreon will be extremely difficult to draw but I suggest a sort of running pose (prefrably with the backdrop consisting of a full moon...but hey, who am I to decide? xD)
RE: New pieces. Avatars and art. Flareon/Leafeon Added.

Okay, I'm going to switch over to the leafeon I think, it's the second in my favorite pokemon line. ;)
RE: New pieces. Avatars and art. Flareon/Leafeon Added.

Yes, Xous, I will be using Leafeon in my banner if that was ok with you.
RE: New pieces. Avatars and art. Flareon/Leafeon Added.

Heya Xous, can I switch to leafeon?:)
RE: New pieces. Avatars and art. Flareon/Leafeon Added.

Hebi said:
Yes Xous, liquidy and full of cool ;D

A suggestion for the poses of Espeon and Umbreon, you could do it like they pose in the games or you could try something thought up by the superior Hebi mind, for example, Espeon could really abuse the feline factor the Eevvelutions have by standing straight up with it's tail to the wind. Umbreon will be extremely difficult to draw but I suggest a sort of running pose (prefrably with the backdrop consisting of a full moon...but hey, who am I to decide? xD)

I'll keep those poses in mind as I try and make their artwork. :3

And to Shaymin of the skies That's fine. :D

And to ShayminSky: Yeah, that's okay. :)

And to shaymin of the heart: Sure you can. :3

Updated first post with Jolteon and Glaceon. Will probably have Eevee and Vaporeon tomorrow.
RE: New pieces. Avatars and art. Jolteon/Glaceon Added.

I have a problem with your eeveelution's poses.

Personally, I consider that the "angle" that you capture them by makes them look too enlarged and slightly fat. The only exception is Leafeon, who is standing on "flat" ground. Personally, I wouldn't don't put them on a slope as it tends to making too much of the body (and not the "main front") cover the avatar. Perhaps a close-up may be better.
RE: New pieces. Avatars and art. Jolteon/Glaceon Added.

Zyflair said:
I have a problem with your eeveelution's poses.

Personally, I consider that the "angle" that you capture them by makes them look too enlarged and slightly fat. The only exception is Leafeon, who is standing on "flat" ground. Personally, I wouldn't don't put them on a slope as it tends to making too much of the body (and not the "main front") cover the avatar. Perhaps a close-up may be better.


*crowd claps and cheers*

I think that the Eeveelutions are cool.
RE: New pieces. Avatars and art. Jolteon/Glaceon Added.

Zyflair said:
I have a problem with your eeveelution's poses.

Personally, I consider that the "angle" that you capture them by makes them look too enlarged and slightly fat. The only exception is Leafeon, who is standing on "flat" ground. Personally, I wouldn't don't put them on a slope as it tends to making too much of the body (and not the "main front") cover the avatar. Perhaps a close-up may be better.

Thanks for the input. :) I was thinking about the poses, as well. I totally agree with you here.

If I ever remake them, I'm going to leave them all on flat ground. I'll try and keep the ones I haven't yet drawn on flat ground, as well. :3
RE: New pieces. Avatars and art. Jolteon/Glaceon Added.

I really like the sorta spiky look you have given the Fkareon and Jolteon :)
RE: New pieces. Avatars and art. Jolteon/Glaceon Added.

Sweet...Can't wait to see the rest...

I have a favor to ask...Can you possibly combine Raichu and Leafeon into 1 avatar? Like how you did for the Empoleon and Raichu...
RE: New pieces. Avatars and art. Jolteon/Glaceon Added.

Uh, oh...I have to be critical again.

Leafeon: This one rocks. EASILY your best Eeveelution, 'nuff said.

Flareon: Pretty good. The facial expression makes it look it's about to pounce!

Jolteon: Sorry, but this one's the worst. He looks fat. His legs are a little wider than normal, and that's what kinda ruined it.

Glaceon: OK. Make the mouth line thing a little shorter. Her mouth is larger than normal.

Leafeon is spectacular, as Flareon is great. Keep it up! Your doing a fine job Xous!

BTW: I agree with Zyflair....for the angle thing. Except on Flareon. Flareon looks beast. :D
RE: New pieces. Avatars and art. Jolteon/Glaceon Added.

Omg the Eeveelutions are soooo awesome =]

Can I take the Flareon Art for a Banner?
RE: New pieces. Avatars and art. Jolteon/Glaceon Added.

::DF111:: said:
I really like the sorta spiky look you have given the Fkareon and Jolteon :)

Thanks. :)

And to Raichu/Leafeon: Certainly. :3

And to EspeonROX: I agree with you on all of those points, except for Glaceon's mouth, which I think looks fine (but I see what you mean). :) I was always a little upset with how Jolteon came out, so I'll probably end up going back to one of my other sketches and see what I can do.

And to Soul Seeker: Thanks. Yes, you can. :3

I'll be finishing up Vaporeon and Eevee after this, so look for them tonight. :D
RE: New pieces. Avatars and art. Jolteon/Glaceon Added.

Thank you very much Xous ;D

You should open a second Thread, because this one is overloaded and you can't really add more pictures ^^
RE: New pieces. Avatars and art. Jolteon/Glaceon Added.

Soul Seeker said:
Thank you very much Xous ;D

You should open a second Thread, because this one is overloaded and you can't really add more pictures ^^

No problem. :3

Added Eevee and Vaporeon to first post.
RE: New pieces. Avatars and art. Eevee/Vaporeon Added.

Eevee's so KAWAII! (cute for those who don't speek Japanese)
I know that I'll be useing these for banner makeing.
Can I use your stuff, for future stuff?
RE: New pieces. Avatars and art. Eevee/Vaporeon Added.

Hey Xous, can use one of your avatars on other websites?
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