Art Gallery Avatars and Art v.2. [Xerneas and Yveltal Avatars Added in Latest Post]

RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Reshiram & Zekrom LEGEND, Reshiram/Zekrom avatars added.

To DNA: For Atmospheric Dominance, the wording was intentional. I can't recall the reference card I used for the wording, but I wanted it so that the Power couldn't be abused too easily - from what I understand, "when you put [Pokémon] into play" means the Power goes into effect as soon as it's on the field, either on the Bench or Active, right? I only wanted the Power to activate when R/Z LEGEND came off the Bench.

As far as Roaring Skybreak goes, the reference I used was Lanturn LA. Originally the added effect was optional, but there wasn't enough space on the card to fit the wording, so it became a mandatory effect. I figured the extra possible 30 damage is fair with a (L) and (R) discard, especially since Lanturn LA pulls that off (without the 100 damage) with just 1 (L) Energy and no discard. I'm not sure how common Active Pokémon having zero Energy attached is, but it's still possible to only hit for 100 on the Active.

And to XieRH: You're absolutely correct to be confused about the lighting on Zekrom - it was something I had to decide to redo for the sake of accuracy or just go with it for the sake of time. Since time is a more powerful force right now, I just kept the shading as-is. (Originally I wanted the eye to be the source of that light, but I figured there's no way it would be bright enough to do that.)
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Reshiram & Zekrom LEGEND, Reshiram/Zekrom avatars added.

Wow, I am amazed at the artwork of both Reshiram and Zekrom. You did a great job on both....

I will be using the Zekrom Legend Avatar for now.
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Reshiram & Zekrom LEGEND, Reshiram/Zekrom avatars added.

The LEGEND pics own. Great job Xous!
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Reshiram & Zekrom LEGEND, Reshiram/Zekrom avatars added.

Xous said:
I only wanted the Power to activate when R/Z LEGEND came off the Bench.
Came off your Bench? Hmm..what about... "When Reshiram & Zekrom LEGEND becomes your new Active Pokémon...[etc]". I'm not exactly sure how to word it myself, but the closest real card I can think of is this Forretress. I made a fake at one point that used the wording "becomes your new Active Pokémon", but I can't find it...
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Reshiram & Zekrom LEGEND, Reshiram/Zekrom avatars added.

To DNA: The thing is, I'm 99% sure I used a recent card for the reference for the wording of its Power - I just can't remember what it was... D:
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Reshiram & Zekrom LEGEND, Reshiram/Zekrom avatars added.

LEGEND Card is great. LEGEND avys look really nice. I like that type of avy better than the others, but all of your new gen5 stuff looks great.
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Reshiram & Zekrom LEGEND, Reshiram/Zekrom avatars added.

May I use your Meloetta-Step-Forme and Lanturn V.2 art?
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Reshiram & Zekrom LEGEND, Reshiram/Zekrom avatars added.

I will be using the Reshiram Legend avatar! Thanks! :)
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Reshiram & Zekrom LEGEND, Reshiram/Zekrom avatars added.

To Electric Pokémon Master: Sure, that's fine.

Sorry for the lack of updates. I'm still not over whatever bug I caught so progress on artwork is still slow. I managed to get sketches for Hydreigon v.2 and, oddly, Arcanine v.2 done, so those will probably be next.
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Reshiram & Zekrom LEGEND, Reshiram/Zekrom avatars added.

Xous: I'm doing a Pixel Over of your Rapidash, so that I can use it up on dA (& you can adopt one (for free) if you want to).
I'll also be giving you credit for the line art.
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Reshiram & Zekrom LEGEND, Reshiram/Zekrom avatars added.

I am going to use Ampharos, It's BEAST!
Amzing job by the way. It's really really awesome! *Sigh* I wish i was that good at art.
Also my i use it on I will give it you credit for it! Thanks (Your awesome!)
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Reshiram & Zekrom LEGEND, Reshiram/Zekrom avatars added.

I'm using Tepig! Thanks!!
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Reshiram & Zekrom LEGEND, Reshiram/Zekrom avatars added.

Keep up the good work. I'll be using the electric lamprey thing(elek-something).
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Hydreigon v.2, Snivy v.2, Tepig v.2 added.

Added Hydreigon v.2, Snivy v.2, and Tepig v.2 to the thread.

Also, IGN used my Zekrom v.2 in one of their articles! :0 It's still up in their DS section.
Screenshot of the image.

It was used without permission (they even left my watermark on it!), so I had to contact them about it. Just thought I'd share that with those who care.
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Hydreigon v.2, Snivy v.2, Tepig v.2 added.

^Nice. Your so good, people even resort to highway robbery to get it.(Course they could get it for free, but....)
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Hydreigon v.2, Snivy v.2, Tepig v.2 added.

Added Hydreigon v.2, Snivy v.2, and Tepig v.2 to the thread.

Also, IGN used my Zekrom v.2 in one of their articles! :0 It's still up in their DS section.
Screenshot of the image.

It was used without permission (they even left my watermark on it!), so I had to contact them about it. Just thought I'd share that with those who care.

This just reminds me that the initial reason I signed up on this forum was precisely because someone used my art here without permission too and I needed to inform the mods. Since then I've stopped doing stock art against a transparent background.
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Hydreigon v.2, Snivy v.2, Tepig v.2 added.

Speaking of which, do you know if there's a way to set up your Photobucket account (or whatever) to make it so the results don't show up on Google Images, e.g. possibly making it a private album? I was Googling "Hydreigon" and your V2 art was the 6th result (plus one duplicate after that). Looking up "Zekrom" I didn't see yours but I probably wasn't being specific enough.

...just in case anything can be done about that. I don't know. Oh yes, and it's still there.
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Hydreigon v.2, Snivy v.2, Tepig v.2 added.

Well maybe you could start by renaming the filename so that it doesn't have "Hydreigon"
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Hydreigon v.2, Snivy v.2, Tepig v.2 added.

Snivy's pose is great, Xous. Fantastic work as always!
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Hydreigon v.2, Snivy v.2, Tepig v.2 added.

Using Excadrill A for a while.