darksoulSP said:My 2 Rescue Energy, 2 Twins
Your Pichu Staff Prerelease
Please PM me if that's good or counter me!![]()
Afro-G said:Please check my list for:
1x Crobat Prime
1x Gible SV (Cities Promo)
3x Gabite SV (States Promo)
1x Jumpluff HS
2x Sunkern HS (RH)
1x Poliwag UL (Cities Promo)
2x Yanma TR (RH)
2x Machop TR (RH)
1x Magnemite TR (RH)
1x Machoke TR (RH)
1x Gastly TR (RH)
I have some of your wants. A lot of those are commons and uncommons so I don't value them very high,
but please check my list and let me know if you find anything, thanks.
ratajoe said:CML for your crobat prime
toffeefi said:Hi Nova, I'm very interested with these cards: (wall of text)
*Everything is RH and ONE OF EACH unless stated
4 - Gyrados H
6 - Jumpluff H
16 - Butterfree RH
18 - Exeggutor RH
22 - Granbull RH
34 - Weezing RH
38 - Croconaw
41 - Dunsparce
50 - Qwilfish
55 - Unown FLASH
61 - Cyndaquil
78 - Pikachu
84 - Staryu
85 - Sunkern
11 - Xatu H
34 - Minun
35 - Numel
39 - Pupitar (x2)
56 - Onix
75 - Engineer's Adjustments
83 - Super Scoop Up
48 - Eevee
63 - Gastly
29 - Mr.Mime RH
mlouden03 said:my:
Kingdra Prime
Serperior Ability RH
Reshiram Full Art
ratajoe said:CML for your crobat prime
Could we do something like this:
Black and White:
Energy Retrival RH
PlusPower RH
Switch RH
Call of Legends:
Lost World RH
Junk Arm RH
Twins RH
Flower Shop Lady RH
Feraligatr Prime
For My:
Crobat Prime
Victrebell TR
Celibi TR
Afro-G said:I edited my post above. (I took a little to long lol) Would you be interested in any of those cards?
If I'm going to trade a super rare (my legend piece) I would like to get a super rare in return if possible.
Let me know, thanks.
Edit: (I need to stop posting before I'm ready lol)
I have an offer for you....
1x Entei/Suicune Legend Bottom
1x Pokemon Circulator (RH)
1x Black Belt (RH)
3x Seeker (Non Holo)
4x Twins (Non Holo)
1x Research Record (Non Holo)
2x Pokemon Communication (Non Holo)
2x Lost Remover (Non Holo)
1x Crobat Prime
1x Gible SV (Cities Promo)
3x Gabite SV (States Promo)
1x Jumpluff HS
2x Sunkern HS (RH)
1x Unown RETURN (RH)
1x Poliwag UL (Cities Promo)
1x Engineer's Adjustments (RH)
2x Yanma TR (RH)
2x Machop TR (RH)
1x Magnemite TR (RH)
1x Machoke TR (RH)
1x Gastly TR (RH)
I added up all of the prices and it looks pretty even. (I can give you the prices if you want them)
Let me know if you have any problems with my offer and feel free to counter it, thank you.![]()
The Wii Man1234 said:CML for your 1x crobat prime
ratajoe said:ratajoe said:CML for your crobat prime
Could we do something like this:
Black and White:
Energy Retrival RH
PlusPower RH
Switch RH
Call of Legends:
Lost World RH
Junk Arm RH
Twins RH
Flower Shop Lady RH
Feraligatr Prime
For My:
Crobat Prime
Victrebell TR
Celibi TR
I no longer have some of those trainers. Is there anything else?