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Back (I think?)-W:Plasma H: Stuff

RE: H:Darkrai EX, Mewtwo EX W: Sleeves, N FA, Catchers

What do you value Darkrai at? I value it around $48 or so. LMK. Thanks!
RE: H:Darkrai EX, Mewtwo EX W: Sleeves, N FA, Catchers

Probably about that much.
RE: H:Darkrai EX, Mewtwo EX W: Sleeves, N FA, Catchers

FA Terrakion
2 RH Catcher

Darkrai EX?
RE: H:Darkrai EX, Mewtwo EX W: Sleeves, N FA, Catchers

@CFOURCOLTSFAN-Ok cool, I think that'll work, I'll PM you.

@Mudkip711-I think I might be trading it to CFOURCOLTSFAN but I'll LYK if it doesnt work out.
RE: H:Darkrai EX, Mewtwo EX W: Sleeves, N FA, Catchers


Trust me, he needs it as badly as I do, so I'm 100% he'll do everything he can to get it. At least it went to him and not someone else. Thanks anyways!
RE: H:Darkrai EX, Mewtwo EX W: Sleeves, N FA, Catchers

I might be able to get another tomorrow at a BR (if I even go) so maybe then we could work something out ;)
RE: H:Darkrai EX, Mewtwo EX W: Sleeves, N FA, Catchers

That would be awesome! I need them for Nationals but I really really don't want to buy them. Let me know, thanks!
RE: H: Mewtwo EX, FAs, EXs W: Sleeves, N FA, Catchers

Are you interested at all in helping me upgrade my Virizions and Terrakions to your FAs? (BTW, you listed your Terrakions twice :p)
RE: H: Mewtwo EX, FAs, EXs W: Sleeves, N FA, Catchers

Sure. I'm only kinda interested in your shinies and your Tornadus EX though.
RE: H: Mewtwo EX, FAs, EXs W: Sleeves, N FA, Catchers

And you wanted to upgrade all five correct?
RE: H: Mewtwo EX, FAs, EXs W: Sleeves, N FA, Catchers

Yes. So, my 2 Virizion, 3 Terrakion, and something else for your 2 Virizion FA and 3 Terrakion FA.
RE: H: Mewtwo EX, FAs, EXs W: Sleeves, N FA, Catchers

Hmm... Im not sure what I could do. From your list im mostly interested in the 2 shinies and the tornadus EX. Do you think you have an offer?
RE: H: Mewtwo EX, FAs, EXs W: Sleeves, N FA, Catchers

IDK. Could I throw in the 2 SRs? If so, I might be in a trade for the SR Gardevoir...
RE: H: Mewtwo EX, FAs, EXs W: Sleeves, N FA, Catchers

Hmm, I think thats a little low for me. I value those Secret Rares at about 10-13 dollars each. And I think the price difference between FAs and Non-FAs are about $6.
RE: H: Mewtwo EX, FAs, EXs W: Sleeves, N FA, Catchers

Well, what else do you want? I could add like 20 code cards...
RE: H: Mewtwo EX, FAs, EXs W: Sleeves, N FA, Catchers

Hey do you have bulk old holos? I have poke dolls and other things if you wanna cml
RE: H: FAs, EXs W: Sleeves, Garbodar

Bump! Its been a while, I'll update more later!