Back to Basics Project: Now with Base Set 2!

RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

I'm really glad to see this concept is moving, I've had a skim through some of the cards and will have a proper look through later on. So far from what I've seen my favourite concept card is this one:


RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

If a power sends a pokemon to the lost zone, can it still be used it Luvdisc+Special Energy is in play? What happens?
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

Flame Claw said:
I'm really glad to see this concept is moving, I've had a skim through some of the cards and will have a proper look through later on. So far from what I've seen my favourite concept card is this one:



Oh.. Well it looks like I'm out of a job! xD

Unless we made a third version of the cards for those people who would want the cards to look like the real things. Hmmm.... lol

EDIT: I sent you that PM, Celebi. :)
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

olimar1023 said:
I'll defiantly get all my friends to play this, it looks great. I'll talk to my league leader and see if we can have side events for it as well.
Just have one question, If you went with the BW rulings then why does Rare Candy still have the original ruling? Can it be played to evolve basics to Stage 1s?
Game rules =/= card effects. Rare Candy's effect is independent of the game rules. (Basically, erratas and such don't carry over into my game.) So yes, it can be played to evolve a basic into a stage 1.
iisnumber12 said:
If a power sends a pokemon to the lost zone, can it still be used it Luvdisc+Special Energy is in play? What happens?
It varies on a case-by-case basis. Some cards (actually, all current cards) clearly say, "Once during your turn... put this card in the Lost Zone. If you do, ..."

So, you have to physically place the card in the Lost Zone in order to use the effect. This applies to Pokémon-Star and Magnezone.
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

So for now, should we use this thread to post deck ideas?
I think a Star Engine that uses the Pokemon "Star" s' powers to get a fast setup could be really powerful.
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

What ever happened to the Swampert and Sceptile lines that were previewed?

Also, Vaporeon/Nidoking/Bronzong/Poison Field looks really strong. Bronzong turns Vaporeon into a tank, Nidoking provides PlusPower/killing off low hp enemies/making enemy Bronzong at least partially useless, Poison Field provides an extra two PlusPowers a turn essentially, and Vaporeon is immune to Confusion, Poison, and does a ton of damage. 80 damage for {W}{W}{C}, a Stage 1, a Stage 2, and a stadium looks really strong in that format.
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

Dark Void said:
What ever happened to the Swampert and Sceptile lines that were previewed?

Also, Vaporeon/Nidoking/Bronzong/Poison Field looks really strong. Bronzong turns Vaporeon into a tank, Nidoking provides PlusPower/killing off low hp enemies/making enemy Bronzong at least partially useless, Poison Field provides an extra two PlusPowers a turn essentially, and Vaporeon is immune to Confusion, Poison, and does a ton of damage. 80 damage for {W}{W}{C}, a Stage 1, a Stage 2, and a stadium looks really strong in that format.
I basically took the game into my own hands since then, tested a lot more stuff out, and scrapped about 90% of the things we had going then. So some parts of them got mutated and the rest were phased out over time.
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

This is a great idea, Celebi! It's so helpful to those of us who are too lazy to bother to try learning what seems like a completely complicated game, without getting used to playing and what kind of decks are out there. ^^ Thanks!
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

Trexroarr said:
Oh.. Well it looks like I'm out of a job! xD

Unless we made a third version of the cards for those people who would want the cards to look like the real things. Hmmm.... lol

Wouldn't worry mate, there's no way I'm going to be able to keep up with this as a project; I just thought I'd throw one together on asche's blank for the fun of it :D
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

Pardon me if I sound stupid, but where do I even look at these cards? I can't find them...
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

Celebi23 said:
Because I plan to promote this project on multiple sites, I created an intermediate Wordpress page to hold all of the card images and spoilers. Click here to go to it!

The bolded and underlined part is where you click the link.
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

I put it in blue so the same question isn't asked lol.

What point is there to Brycen? Smeargle can search for three, while I think Sabrina can search energy (correct me if wrong). It seems like a waste of a supporter during your turn if you ask me, although I can think of where it would be useful under the right time.

Looking for a way to discard fire energy to make Charizard+Reshiram work faster, but I can't find a good way. Maybe if we had Juniper or something? ;)
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

ComfortEagle said:
I put it in blue so the same question isn't asked lol.

What point is there to Brycen? Smeargle can search for three, while I think Sabrina can search energy (correct me if wrong). It seems like a waste of a supporter during your turn if you ask me, although I can think of where it would be useful under the right time.

Looking for a way to discard fire energy to make Charizard+Reshiram work faster, but I can't find a good way. Maybe if we had Juniper or something? ;)

Brycen doubles as PONT does it not? I'm assuming that its main purpose is for the shuffle draw and not the energy search, although tbh I'm not even sure why the energy search is there, PONT is fine on its own.

Looks like the only discarding card in the format is Sabrina, but with the new edit to it there's no way the opponent is going to put the energy in the discard and give you the other card. There's Fluffy Tail but you need to have the energy on the Pokemon anyway so its not that useful.
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

Oh, I overlooked the last part. Yeah, Brycan is a great card then lol.

I guess my suggestion for Celebi for future cards is something like Juniper, Junk Arm, or Sagen then. Just something that makes you discard cards to get cards.
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

Junk Arm is #2 on the list of cards I will never even consider printing. That card is so bad for the game. It breaks like half the trainers in any format it's in and makes burning items okay.

Juniper heavily favors basic decks, which I don't want to do.

Sage would be alright, but I'd rather make more interesting cards if I'm going to do direct reprints.

I plan to make some discarding cards in the next set or two. I already know what they'll be, but I don't know which set will have room for them.

What do you want to use it for anyway, though?
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

With Sabrina just search two cards with the same name. lol
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

*Celebi23 refers Teal to the post he made on his website which said that there was a wording error on Sabrina which prevented it from searching two of the same card.
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

Eh, last time I checked that wasn't there. ;D