• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

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RE: WITH A LOT of SV! Dragonitetim's new haves and wants!

dragonitetim said:
I will trade dialga g lv. x for one of them
X4 Premier ball
dialga g lv. x

for MY
Electivire FB Lv X

what if I did
leafeon lv. x
dialga g lv. x

Electivire FB lv. x
absol g lv. x
What can you throw in from my wants list?

i could add on a premier ball and a warp point.... i could do something different if you'd like

pm me to finalize and its fine if you live in hong kong btw
RE: WITH A LOT of SV! Dragonitetim's new haves and wants!

Here are all the VS and Promos and cards not from packs that I have (sorry for the long post):

Pokemon VS

001/141 Falkner’s Pidgeot
002/141 Falkner’s Fearow
003/141 Falkner’s Farfetch’d
004/141 Falkner’s Dodrio
005/141 Falkner’s Togetic
006/141 Falkner’s Delibird
007/141 Falkner’s Skarmory
010/141 Bugsy’s Pinsir
011/141 Bugsy’s Ledian
012/141 Bugsy’s Yanma
014/141 Whitney’s Clefable
016/141 Whitney’s Persian
017/141 Whitney’s Lickitung
018/141 Whitney’s Furret
019/141 Whitney’s Milktank
020/141 Morty’s Ninetales
021/141 Morty’s Gengar
022/141 Morty’s Hypno
023/141 Morty’s Marowak
024/141 Morty’s Noctowl
026/141 Morty’s Misdreavus
027/141 Jasmine’s Raichu
028/141 Jasmine’s Magneton
029/141 Jasmine’s Electabuzz
030/141 Jasmine’s Jolteon
031/141 Jasmine’s Ampharos
032/141 Jasmine’s Steelix
033/141 Chuck’s Primeape
036/141 Chuck’s Tauros
037/141 Chuck’s Granbull
038/141 Chuck’s Donphan
039/141 Pryce’s Dewgong
041/141 Pryce’s Lapras
042/141 Pryce’s Articuno
043/141 Pryce’s Sneasel
044/141 Pryce’s Piloswine
045/141 Pryce’s Delibird
047/141 Claire’s Jynx
048/141 Claire’s Gyarados
049/141 Claire’s Dragonite
050/141 Claire’s Politoed
052/141 Claire’s Kingdra
053/141 Lt. Surge’s Raichu
054/141 Lt. Surge’s Lanturn
055/141 Sabrina’s Xatu
056/141 Sabrina’s Espeon
057/141 Misty’s Lapras
058/141 Misty’s Quagsire
060/141 Erika’s Jumpluff
061/141 Janine’s Beedrill
062/141 Janine’s Arbok
064/141 Janine’s Weezing
065/141 Janine’s Ariados
067/141 Janine’s Shuckle
069/141 Brock’s Kabutops
071/141 Blaine’s Magcargo
073/141 Will’s Exeggutor
074/141 Will’s Jynx
075/141 Will’s Xatu
077/141 Will’s Slowking
078/141 Will’s Girafarig
079/141 Koga’s Crobat
080/141 Koga’s Forretress
081/141 Bruno’s Machamp
083/141 Bruno’s Hitmonchan
085/141 Bruno’s Ursaring
086/141 Bruno’s Hitmontop
087/141 Karen’s Rapidash
088/141 Karen’s Magmar
092/141 Karen’s Houndoom
093/141 Rocket’s Wobbuffet
095/141 Rocket’s Entei
097/141 Lance’s Charizard
099/141 Lance’s Aerodactyl
100/141 Lance’s Dragonite
101/141 Lance’s Ampharos
102/141 Lance’s Kingdra
108/141 Whitney’s TM 02
111/141 Jasmine’s TM 01
116/141 Pryce’s TM 02
126/141 Karen’s TM 02
127/141 Rocket’s TM 01
130/141 Potion
131/141 Moo-Moo Milk
132/141 Full Heal
133/141 Pokemon Reverse
134/141 Switch
135/141 Warp Point
136/141 Super Scoop Up
137/141 Energy Flow
138/141 Energy Charge
139/141 Energy Ark
140/141 Energy Restore
141/141 Master Ball
Holo Rainbow Energy
Holo Darkness Energy
Holo Metal Energy
Fighting Energy
Fire Energy
Grass Energy
Water Energy
Psychic Enery
Lightning Energy

Sealed Japanese Gym 1 Erika Theme Deck
Sealed Japanese Gym 2 Sabrina Theme Deck

Japanese Vending Series 1
All Cards

Japanese Vending Series 2
All Cards

Japanese Vending Series 3
All Cards

Japanese Promos

Neo 1 Promo Binder

Neo 2 Promo Binder

Neo 3 Promo Binder

Video Intro Set (Bulbasaur Deck)
3. Raichu
13. Pikachu (LV 12)
26. Electabuzz
40 Pikachu (LV 16)

Video Intro Set (Squirtle Deck)
3. Wartortle
14. Jigglypuff
16. Squirtle (LV 14)
26. Growlithe
32. Arcanine
40. Squirtle (LV 15)

Quick Starters

Game Boy Promos

Coro Coro Promos
Angry Mewtwo
Surfing Pikachu
Flying Pikachu
Computer Error
Misty's Staryu
Vending Jynx
Lt. Surge's Electabuzz
Erika's Dratini
Giovanni's Nidoking
Hama-chan's Slowking
Shining Mew

Natta Wake Magazine
Mankey (Vol. 1)
Psyduck (Vol. 2)
Sunkern (Vol. 4)
Hoppip (Vol. 5)

Trainer Magazine
Snap Pikachu (Vol. 1)
Steelix (Vol. 5)
Smeargle (Vol. 7)
Unown J (Vol. 8)
Dark Ivysaur (Vol. 10)
Dark Venasaur (Vol. 10)

Southern Islands

Best of Pokemon CD Promos
Super Energy Retrieval

Masaki Vending Holos
Bill's Pass Card

Fan Club Magazine
Tag Team! (Piacsso) (Vol. 5)

Miscellaneous Promos
Lucky Stadium Ho-oh
Lucky Stadium Lugia
Lucky Stadium Zapdos
3rd Movie Release Igglybuff
Meowth CD Promo
ANA Marill
ANA Togepi
Card File Electabuzz
Grand Party Trainer
Trading Please (Holo Back)
Battle Road 2000 Gold Stamped Berry
Battle Road 2000 Gold Stamped Miracle Berry
RE: WITH A LOT of SV! Dragonitetim's new haves and wants!

shpunto9 said:
Here are all the VS and Promos and cards not from packs that I have (sorry for the long post):

Pokemon VS

001/141 Falkner’s Pidgeot
002/141 Falkner’s Fearow
003/141 Falkner’s Farfetch’d
004/141 Falkner’s Dodrio
Offer a trade please and I hope to see a link which I can see what I am trading for.
Thanks a lot.

EddieT. said:
I am interested in all the promo cards you have, including the VS seires and all kind of non-booster cards. Please list them.

I will trade dialga g lv. x for one of them
X4 Premier ball
dialga g lv. x

for MY
Electivire FB Lv X

what if I did
leafeon lv. x
dialga g lv. x

Electivire FB lv. x
absol g lv. x
what can you throw in to me from my list?
RE: WITH A LOT of SV! Dragonitetim's new haves and wants!

dragonitetim said:
Offer a trade please and I hope to see a link which I can see what I am trading for.
Thanks a lot.

EddieT. said:
I am interested in all the promo cards you have, including the VS seires and all kind of non-booster cards. Please list them.

I will trade dialga g lv. x for one of them

X4 Premier ball
dialga g lv. x

for MY
Electivire FB Lv X

what if I did
leafeon lv. x
dialga g lv. x

Electivire FB lv. x
absol g lv. x
what can you throw in to me from my list?

well i have lots of promos, but i have a piplup that is platinum stamped, from burger king, and if you have certain promos in mind, please ask :)
RE: WITH A LOT of SV! Dragonitetim's new haves and wants!

dragonitetim said:
1st offer:
1x Absol G Lv.X
Luxray GL Lv.X

2nd offer:
2x SH8 Relicanth
many many of your trainers (offer for this please;))

Eh... would you be interested in Cress X and many trainers for Absol G Lv.X? It's just that I think Luxray will always be more playable and... meh. If you could make another offer, that would be fantastic, or I can just see if I can get more Luxray GL Lv.Xs at League saturday and get back to you.
RE: WITH A LOT of SV! Dragonitetim's new haves and wants!

dragonitetim said:
A!by said:
would you be willing to trade flygon lv x? for
4x Poke Drawer+
1x broken time-space
1x warp point
2x power spray
1x night maintenance
2x prof oak visit
1x rh pokeblower
and cml if your interested
no sorry. I trade really high for it.
any for shaymin lv x land?
RE: WITH A LOT of SV! Dragonitetim's new haves and wants!

Hey how about your:
Japanese Promos
Silver Victory Medal (JPN)
Blaziken <PCG-P-007>
Rayquaza <PCG-P-103>
Registeel <PCG-P-074>
Charmeleon <ADV-P-053>
Squirtle <ADV-P-055>
Groundon <ADV-P-026>
Glaceon <DP-P-070>
Leafeon <DP-P-069>
Turtwig <PPP-001>
Chimchar <PPP-002>
Piplup <PPP-003>
Alakazam 4 <DPt-P-012>
Team Galactic's Invention G-109 SP-Radar
Porygon Z <DP-P-106>

For my:
Best of Pokemon CD
Bubble Mew

Quick Starters

Coro Coro
Vending Series Jynx
Lt. Surge's Electabuzz (Whitening/scrathing around edges on back of card)
Neo 1 Wooper (Whitening in bottom right corner)
Neo 1 Cleffa
Neo 1 Hama-chans' Slowking

and Natta Wake Magazine Hoppip

My trade thread can be found here, my haves are near the bottom of the first post:
RE: WITH A LOT of SV! Dragonitetim's new haves and wants!

EddieT. said:
I will trade dialga g lv. x for one of them
X4 Premier ball
dialga g lv. x

for MY
Electivire FB Lv X

what if I did
leafeon lv. x
dialga g lv. x

Electivire FB lv. x
absol g lv. x
what can you throw in to me from my list?

well I have lots of promos, but I have a piplup that is platinum stamped, from burger king, and if you have certain promos in mind, please ask :)
I hope to have the stamped promo. Do you have any other similar?

Politoed666 said:
Eh... would you be interested in Cress X and many trainers for Absol G Lv.X? It's just that I think Luxray will always be more playable and... meh. If you could make another offer, that would be fantastic, or I can just see if I can get more Luxray GL Lv.Xs at League saturday and get back to you.
I will wait for you.

Starforce Lv.X said:
cml 4 shiny relicanth.
I am interested in
Shaymin Lv.X(land form)

A!by said:
A!by said:
no sorry. I trade really high for it.
any for shaymin lv x land?
I have but I am not going to trade a Lv X for a lot of trainers. sorry
RE: WITH A LOT of SV! Dragonitetim's new haves and wants!

I have:
4x Poke Drawer+
2x Broken Time Space
2x Warp Point

I want Electivire FB X

Check my list for more.
RE: WITH A LOT of SV! Dragonitetim's new haves and wants!

amisheskimoninja said:
I have:
4x Poke Drawer+
2x Broken Time Space
2x Warp Point

I want Electivire FB X

Check my list for more.
Electivire FB X

Azelf LV. X x1
4x Poke Drawer+
2x Broken Time Space
2x Warp Point
RE: WITH A LOT of SV! Dragonitetim's new haves and wants!

dragonitetim said:
X4 Premier ball
dialga g lv. x

for MY
Electivire FB Lv X

what if I did
leafeon lv. x
dialga g lv. x

Electivire FB lv. x
absol g lv. x
what can you throw in to me from my list?

well I have lots of promos, but I have a piplup that is platinum stamped, from burger king, and if you have certain promos in mind, please ask :)
I hope to have the stamped promo. Do you have any other similar?

Politoed666 said:
Eh... would you be interested in Cress X and many trainers for Absol G Lv.X? It's just that I think Luxray will always be more playable and... meh. If you could make another offer, that would be fantastic, or I can just see if I can get more Luxray GL Lv.Xs at League saturday and get back to you.
I will wait for you.

I am interested in
Shaymin Lv.X(land form)

A!by said:
A!by said:
no sorry. I trade really high for it.
any for shaymin lv x land?
I have but I am not going to trade a Lv X for a lot of trainers. sorry

yes i can easily throw in the stamped promo and whatever else you like :)
RE: WITH A LOT of SV! Dragonitetim's new haves and wants!

dragonitetim said:
EddieT.: What have you said sorry?

I said i can throw in the piplup stamped and whatever else you want... but we need to make this deal quickly, because i have someone else offering for leafeon
RE: WITH A LOT of SV! Dragonitetim's new haves and wants!

EddieT. said:
I said I can throw in the piplup stamped and whatever else you want... but we need to make this deal quickly, because I have someone else offering for leafeon
My absol G Lv X is traded.
Here is the offer:
Electivire FB Lv X
Starator lv X


Diagla G lv X
Leafeon Lv X
piplup stamped
3 trainers in my huge wants/biggest want list.
RE: WITH A LOT of SV! Dragonitetim's new haves and wants!

Did you consider that trade I posted at all? (Post 1171) Let me know. Thanks
RE: WITH A LOT of SV! Dragonitetim's new haves and wants!

hey,could U CML for these? my list is outdated but hopefully ill have it updated soon
x1 Absol G Lv X
x1 Staraptor FB Lv X
x1 SH8 Relicanth
11 Staraptor FB