Ban/ Forbidden List


Aspiring Trainer
Is there a ban/forbidden list that is up to date? A player i was dueling against said that original cards like 1st set to fossil were all banned.
Anything else banned? Any site you can link me to that tells me all about the cards that are banned? Ancient mew is banned i know that for a fact.
Many thanks appreciated.
these are allowed:

Before this summer: any cards after ex Holon Phantoms
After the Summer: We''l find out in early July/ late June, but it's speculated to be Diamond and Pearl onwards...
Well for tournaments, you can only use Holon Phantoms and up, until they rotate Holon Phantoms through Power Keepers out in September.

Casual play, you can use anything. There's no limit. As long as casual play is just leagues and stuff like that. Although, I don't know why your league master would ban old cards...?
Ok thnx, but any SPECIFIC cards? Somethinglike professor oak is broken, so is that banned? I only know cards WAY back from base to fossil so new cards i'm clueless.
Somone said slowking is banned. Ancient mew, etc.
Well, what I mean is, the sets are banned from tournaments. Base Set though Hidden Legends are banned from tournaments. But Rocket's Admin. from Team Rocket Returns is banned no matter what. Even if it is just casual play.
Electro-sama said:
Well, what I mean is, the sets are banned from tournaments. Base Set though Hidden Legends are banned from tournaments. But Rocket's Admin. from Team Rocket Returns is banned no matter what. Even if it is just casual play.

Only rotated cards are banned for tournaments. For league play, nothing is banned but "Birthday" Pikachu, Ancient Mew, and apparently Rocket's Admin.

Rockets Admin is not banned at all.

The only "Banned" cards are Sneasel and Slowking from the Neo sets. (These are banned from any POP sanctioned 'unlimited' tournament.)
aznxknight said:
What are rotated cards?

'rotated cards' are cards that have been exactly that, moved out of the format. Sets like Hidden Legends and Legend Maker are examples of this. They were allowed to be used in tournaments once upon a time, but now, because of their age, you can't anymore.
Ah k. Well is there a site which explains where you got all your information? I'm trying to search it on google and yet nothing like information you gave me came up.
aznxknight said:
Ah k. Well is there a site which explains where you got all your information? I'm trying to search it on google and yet nothing like information you gave me came up.

LOL! try the OFFICIAL site...
Krucifier said:
Rockets Admin is not banned at all.

The only "Banned" cards are Sneasel and Slowking from the Neo sets. (These are banned from any POP sanctioned 'unlimited' tournament.)

Why specifically these cards are banned?
.chanman45 said:
Krucifier said:
Rockets Admin is not banned at all.

The only "Banned" cards are Sneasel and Slowking from the Neo sets. (These are banned from any POP sanctioned 'unlimited' tournament.)

Why specifically these cards are banned?

because they were broken due to incorrect transletion etc.
Krucifier said:
Rockets Admin is not banned at all.

The only "Banned" cards are Sneasel and Slowking from the Neo sets. (These are banned from any POP sanctioned 'unlimited' tournament.)

birthday pikachu too....
if they didnt rotate cards out, then they wont make any more cards.
also, it is a way for them to make money. if someone gets a perfect deck, then they will never have to buy again
aznxknight said:
Ok thnx, but any SPECIFIC cards? Somethinglike professor oak is broken, so is that banned? I only know cards WAY back from base to fossil so new cards I'm clueless.
Somone said slowking is banned. Ancient mew, etc.

Which basically means every card you know that hasn't been reprinted has been banned. If you want to compete in a tournament, you're going to have to get newer cards. (There are a bunch of cards that were rereleased, though only Energy and Trainers.)

The following is a list of sets still legal in tournaments. Everything else is banned:

EX Holon Phantoms (big dot with three smaller dots forming a triangle around it)*
EX Crystal Guardians (a blue sliver)*
EX Dragon Frontiers (a pair of black mountains within a white circle)*
EX Power Keepers (a black circle with a white outline and a white shape inside resembling a man in a trenchcoat)*
Diamond and Pearl (a circle inside a pentagon)
Mysterious Treasures (what liiks like a white bicycle wheel)
Secret Wonders (a swirl resembling a whirlpool)
Great Encounters (a hexagon with three bent spokes coming out from the center)
Majestic Dawn (the sun coming up over the horizon)
POP Series 4 (a Poké Ball with a number "4" next to it)*
POP Series 5 (a Poké Ball with a number "5" next to it)
POP Series 6 (a Poké Ball with a number "6" next to it)
POP Series 7 (a Poké Ball with a number "7" next to it)
EX Trainer Kit Manaphy/Lucario (a silhouette of Manaphy or Lucario)
Black Star Promos numbered...something or above (a black star with "PROMO" written on it)

The sets marked with a * are the ones people suspect will get phased out in September, after the World Championships have ended, so if you want to make a deck, I advise you not to buy too many cards from those sets, as you won't be able to use them for long.

Oh yeah, and for the record, the sets that came before these were Base Set, Jungle, Fossil, Team Rocket, Gym Heroes, Gym Challenge, Base Set 2, Neo Genesis, Neo Discovery, Neo Revelation, Neo Destiny, Legendary Collection, Expedition, Aquapolis, Skyridge, EX Ruby/Sapphire, EX Sandstorm, EX Dragon, EX Team Magma vs. Team Aqua, EX Hidden Legends, EX FireRed and LeafGreen, EX Team Rocket Returns, EX Deoxys, EX Emerald, EX Unseen Forces, EX Delta Species, EX Legend Maker, POP Series 1-3, Machamp Trainer Kit, EX Trainer Kit Latias/Latios, EX Trainer Kit Plusle/Minun, all Wizards Promos, and Black Star Promos 1 through at least 34. These aren't allowed in tournament unless they were reprinted in legal sets, such as basic Energy, Potion, Switch, and Poké Ball.