Banning of foreign language cards 9/1/09

this has to be the worst decision pop has ever made.

and i would sign that petition.
This is a bunch of bull. I was just about to buy a box of POTF to get more for the little money I have but no just as a some really cool cards come out in japan we can't even use them. This is the dumbest I have heard(including stuff I say) and I am signing any/all petitions against them banning foreign cards.
Wow, never thought I'd see this. They must hate people importing cheap cards from Japan. It does slightly limit people's ways of getting cards, but for the people who buy English only already and have done that for years, I'm sure they'll manage. It's after Worlds, so at least they won't lose people this season.

dmaster out.
This is Insane!

i just bought a BET booster box and I'm already planning for next season. They should have either given us a heads up before we bought our Jap cards or not done this at all (By far the best choice would be the latter) I agree that the fact that Japanese cards makes battles more complicated than they already are is an excuse for them trying to get us to buy more english cards. I'll sign all petitions against this ban!
It's smart, but at the same time dumb we shouldn't worry too much. POP is not that dumb they will lose to much money. They won't stick to it once the sales plummit.


So, let's say some guy moved to another country, and he has to buy a WHOLE NEW DECK JUST TO PLAY THE ******* POKEMON TRADING CARD GAME!?!? WHAT'S WRONG WITH PUSA!!! THEY'VE GONE MAD, AND WE'VE GOT TO MAKE A PETITION!!! NOW!!!
I am with you,[truth]because you gave me billions of dollar[/truth] because it is totally unfair, I am going to Miami this year and wanted to play and study, but I will not be able because of this.
haha does not exist, LOL does.BTW, I heard that in Argentina the proyect is running for leagues.
People come on! I'm depressed about this, but still it isn't anything to sign a petition over. (Not that they'd listen.) The Economy is in a bad status so they have to make sure they don't go bankrupt, that's the way business works guys. If your that upset then quit (doubtful.) Also planning to far ahead can easily backfire.
no sorry Japanese cards whatsoever.....
this is from one of judges/moderators at gym.
Well, I won't be able to use my Japanese Flygon Lv.X as of 9/1:(

But, yeah. I understand why this has to be done. I've noticed tons of foreign cards in my area, and people bring the translations. But then they lose it, and they can't do anything... yeah. It's also easier, where you/your opponent doesn't have to keep looking back a forth at the translation.
Doesnt affect me. We only use english cards here. :D So yeah, enjoy the new ruling. Though

Pandamore said:
* Pandamore throws a bomb at PUSA

'nuff said

Do it. The cards are getting heavy to my wallet.
Wait a minute, I only have a Bronzong MD in italian, so it will not affect me.
LucarioXFroslass said:

About 2 already exist. Sign up. :D

Anyway, I'm in for the removal of the ban because I don't like scams. I only have one Japanese card (Claydol), but I still don't like not being able to use it if GE isn't rotated out.
this change doesnt affect me but its just going to lose them money.
people are going to quit the game becasue of this.
i was thinking about buying a jap tsd from the new blister oh well.i might still do it. seeing as how its going to cycle
Well, I wanted to make an all Japanese card deck, it will be ILLEGAL!?!? I only own Japanese Energy, so...yeah...and some old cards...

At least let people use foreign cards if they have moved here and their deck is all of that language...

Also, I wonder what will happen at Worlds!