Battle Frontier - Secret Missions(Mission 6 now implemented!)

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RE: Battle Frontier - Special Event Thread (Event 2 now implemented!)

Really? In that case, Swords dance! Or is it too late?
RE: Battle Frontier - Special Event Thread (Event 2 now implemented!)

Seeing that the attack fails, he uses Psycho Cutter. The RNG is down, so this'll have to come later. We have to turn off all lights now, so bye bye for an hour.
RE: Battle Frontier - Special Event Thread (Event 2 now implemented!)

I want to battle too Go Mew used Metronome
RE: Battle Frontier - Special Event Thread (Event 2 now implemented!)

Pok3M@ni@c said:
Go Mew used Metronome

Firstly, I am battling it. Secondly, MI said BB for an hour. So should we work as fellow TR Members and hang on for 3 turns? It's my second turn now. Btw, I am not sure if we can gang up against Mewtwo... Ask sol, perhaps.
RE: Battle Frontier - Special Event Thread (Event 2 now implemented!)

Yes you can gang up on him, BUT if you don't kill him in three turns you lose anyway.

Medal of Honor activated! Giovanni aids Absol in Battle!

Giovanni's Shining Charizard (R)

Lv. 93
HP 966
ATK 437
DEF 343
SP.ATK 437
SP.DEF 343
SPD 390

(I do not need an evil laugh!) Charizard, use Blast Burn!

I know, I know the RNG server is down...
RE: Battle Frontier - Special Event Thread (Event 2 now implemented!)

Let's calculate apporxiamate damage.

((((186/5+2)*150*437/250)/50)+2)*1.5= 783 damage. Not enough...
RE: Battle Frontier - Special Event Thread (Event 2 now implemented!)

Att: 140
Def: 15
Sp. att: 0
Sp. Def: 37
Speed: 60
RE: Battle Frontier - Special Event Thread (Event 2 now implemented!)

Acc. 97<100
Crt. 16>6.25
((((48/5+2)*80*140/15)/50)*2*217/255= 294 damage. Ow.

Psycho Cutter:
Acc. 61<100
Crt. 11<33.2
((((198/5+2)*250*70/37)/50)+2)*1.5*229/255= 532 damage.

DING! That, I believe, is your third turn.
RE: Battle Frontier - Special Event Thread (Event 2 now implemented!)

I have my sub on, didn't I? Is it gone? What is my remaining HP? If it is enough for another sub, then Sub!
RE: Battle Frontier - Special Event Thread (Event 2 now implemented!)

Turn 1: Swords Dance vs. Miracle Eye.
Turn 2: Sub vs. Psycho Cutter?
Turn 3: Shadow Ball vs. Psycho Cutter?

Wait, I'm confused. I think we missed a step. And seeing that he's criticaled, I think you died.
RE: Battle Frontier - Special Event Thread (Event 2 now implemented!)

m0nster1nc said:
Turn 1: Swords Dance vs. Miracle Eye.
Turn 2: Sub vs. Psycho Cutter?
Turn 3: Shadow Ball vs. Psycho Cutter?

Wait, I'm confused.  I think we missed a step.  And seeing that he's criticaled, I think you died.

? This is what I inteprited of the turn of events:

Turn 1: Swords Dance VS Miracle Eye
Turn2: Sub VS No one (Cause you didn't reply, you only replied to Sol's Blast Burn)
Turn 3: Shadow Ball VS NIL

Posted by m0nster1nc - Yesterday 07:38 PM
Let's calculate apporxiamate damage.

((((186/5+2)*150*437/250)/50)+2)*1.5= 783 damage. Not enough...

I thought it was for Blast Burn...
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