Battle road discussion thread.

PokeKid Brandon

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What kind of stuff do you think will be played at battle roads?

What are you playing for battle roads?

You can also discuss anything else about battle roads here.
Well im guessing people will be playing Blaziken FB lvX and maybe Absol G lvX as people think they may be the BDIF of the next season. plus there may be a few people trying out a few rogue decks i.e Venusaur and maybe swampert (i highly doubt it) it won'r be suprisd to see a few Luxape at battle road as it is quite a good dec, and of course mother gengar.

I myself will probably be trying out Rayquaza C lvX as i want to see if it has the potential to be a good deck (hopefully Tier 1.5)
I think Absol G will be played.
Legos could make a comeback w/right techs, it can beat Blaziken and Infernape 4. Toxicroak G is a very good tech as it then beats Luxray GL.
I'm trying GeChamp,Inferay, and Absol G.
Yea I might go with flygon or something with luxray Gl lv.x.

EDIT:do you think that there is any chance for something like empoleon with maybe a gallade 4 lv.X tech could work?
If I can get the cards for Blaziken or Absol, that's what my Mom and me will be playing. If not, I'll be playing Metal Mother Gengar with Relicanth. :]

dmaster out.
Lol I know. :] I posted the decklist but nobody else posted. Ehhh, I'm expecting Absol in high numbers, so I might just play Metal Gengar with 2 Relicanth for extra precaution.

dmaster out.
I don't either, or Blaziken for that matter. I like GeChamp/Relicanth as a choice for me. I like Beedrill but will not play it unless Gengar is not popular. I may want to try Rampardos again.
Relicanth is so overrated Vs. SP lol unless you're completely ignorant and don't see it coming then it's pretty easy to play around with the good SP decks.

Blaze FB is where its at, but not these trash lists with Heatran/Blaziken PT like people are coming up with.
Yea if you can see it coming you can try to play around it by not playing down all 4 energy gain. YOu still have 1 on your attacking pokemon and maybe a unown G on someone on the bench but that is still 60 damage.

Also I think that magmortortran with blaziken FB tech is better.
PokeKid Brandon said:
Yea if you can see it coming you can try to play around it by not playing down all 4 energy gain. YOu still have 1 on your attacking pokemon and maybe a unown G on someone on the bench but that is still 60 damage.

Also I think that magmortortran with blaziken FB tech is better.

Mag with Blaze FB is even worse. Just run Blaze FB with Luxray GL.
PokeKid Brandon said:
Blaziken FB is to frail to be attacking with. It will almost always be 1 shot.

So? That's what promo croak is for. Plus, if you hit them hard enough, they won't be able to come back easily. Luxray helps too.
PokeKid Brandon said:
So you would rather hit for 80 and then 90% of the time get 1 shoted back?

You can bring up a Claydol and burn it. Then if they flip two burn heads, drop a Crobat, and Vapor Kick for KO. While Claydol is active, they can't use Cosmic either.

It's not all about hitting for 80. You can mess with your opponent and disrupt them.