Battle road discussion thread.

no, cause they will be burned. Thats how it works. I will be playing dark wing duck. It will be awesome! It seems like a solid deck, and i am going dwd straight attacaker w/ skarmory fb and metagross as techs. So itll be good
In Luxray/Blaziken, what do you play to burn them?

Couldn't you just one-shot the Claydol though, just to KO it quicky before they pull maybe a Warp Point.
^ Blaze's first attack.

Absol is a little overated, but its power can be devastating if they get lucky with their filps and discards. Blaziken will be popular. Mother Gengar and GeChamp will get a litttle boost from Relicanth. Those are the decks IMO to watch out for.
Yea I kinda want to give empoleon/gallade a shot but I am worried about garchomp c lv.x and nidoqueen. If I go to a latter BR and see that garchomp C is not seeing much Play I might give empoleon a shot.
PokeKid Brandon said:
Yea if you can see it coming you can try to play around it by not playing down all 4 energy gain. YOu still have 1 on your attacking pokemon and maybe a unown G on someone on the bench but that is still 60 damage.

Also I think that magmortortran with blaziken FB tech is better.

While I'm against Heatran in pretty much every deck imaginable (it just isn't worth it), Blaze with the new Magmortar and the Lv.X from MT actually makes an interesting variation on the deck. Not saying it's the best for any reason, it's just interesting.
i say watch out for speedra, maybe speedrill(thats what i will be doing), dark wing duck will make a comeback, charizard g might show as a rogue, gechamp, blazekin fb, absol, ummm...
I could see spedra making a comeback with all the possible blaziken FBX out there. I don't see speedrill for the same reason that spedra is gonna see more play.
gengar the baller said:
In Luxray/Blaziken, what do you play to burn them?

Blaziken PT is an option. And it's obviously going to be played. >__>

dmaster out.
Ok seems cool. IDK how rayquazza is gonna do. It might be amazong but it might suck only time will tell.

I just realized a possible combo though= Ray+staraptor lv.x so you can get a supporter when you hand is empty to set up.
I don't really want to try it at BR though beacuse we will have had very little time testing it and I don't want to risk it on something like that.
gengar the baller said:
Absol is really overated to me. It has terrible damage output and a flippy power.
Most Absol players should be running type-trump. Since Absol G heavily can abuse Dark Slugger discard+Dusknoir FB, you are looking at discard SP+damage boost for Dusknoir. That soon adds up. While most Absol G decks run cards to counter other decks, once you can figure out what deck your opponent is playing you can discard the unused SP cards. He works great with Luxray GL Lv.X, Dusknoir FB, and some other counter techs. Or disruption.

Seth1789110 said:
I say watch out for speedra, maybe speedrill(thats what I will be doing), dark wing duck will make a comeback, charizard g might show as a rogue, gechamp, blazekin fb, absol, ummm...
Speedra will have a hard time. If Blaziken FB becomes popular, he can actually T1 donk Speedra! Reason is that Fire Energy+Energy Gain+Vapor Kick on a Horsea does 60 damage, which can KO him. Plus, Blaziken may see some play with Luxray GL+Lucario GL. Speedrill just will fall to Blaziken FB and KFC, DWD is what I agree. Fast, nice damage. Maybe not fast, but nice damage. And I don't even think Charizard G will see any play. Extremely slow, and other Pokemon can do better than him. Absol G, yes, and maybe GeChamp.

PokeKid Brandon said:
I could see spedra making a comeback with all the possible blaziken FBX out there. I don't see speedrill for the same reason that spedra is gonna see more play.
Look above.

I think Rayquaza with Banette could work.

Yes, but soon you'll be discarding all of your staple cards and stuff. That just doesn't help Rayquaza. 4 energy as well, so that's even slower. You'll have to struggle for energy, then some draw power, then Bannette and stuff.
I think with rayquazza you get hands in your cards in your hand with something like a bronzong G on bench and just use regular ray's attacks then when you are ready you can discard everything and start killin. Then when ray gets hit by an attack you can switch the energy that you get to attach to your other ray so you can charge up that one.