Battle road discussion thread.

^Ehh you never know. All the usual top cutters seem to think that it is really bad.More of the top players just find other stuff to play that they think is better. You might see it a little down teh table though.
Yea that's what I was thinking. But then you just have to have a better deck and not have to worry about the genral matchup.
Here's what I think will start to see some play. It's not in a specific area, just in general. Note that these aren't in tiers.

Blaziken FB
Absol G
Mother Gengar
Rayquaza C
Luxray/Almost anything

Kingdra isn't listed because we already have Luxray being a beast, and with Lucario GL Kingdra will get pwned. Blaziken can T1 donk Kingdra as well.

I just doubt we will see Speedrill.
I really think that the most played decks will bounce from one week to the next depending what was most played. If Absol is played, you'll see more Machamp due to weakness and then back to Gangar and so on.
I wouldn't be surprised if I see SV decks at BR... I will be using the same deck as Worlds, I'll be using a Mewtwo and Gengar deck, total SP domination!!!!:)
^WOW.. Really. There should be more and more as teh BR season goes on as people have more time to get the cards and test.
Gliscor said:
Here's what I think will start to see some play. It's not in a specific area, just in general. Note that these aren't in tiers.

Blaziken FB
Absol G
Mother Gengar
Rayquaza C
Luxray/Almost anything

Kingdra isn't listed because we already have Luxray being a beast, and with Lucario GL Kingdra will get pwned. Blaziken can T1 donk Kingdra as well.

I just doubt we will see Speedrill.

No Speedrill or Kingdra and yet you still say we get Yanmega, which is half as good as either of those decks. Metagross is also not anywhere near viable to attack with, same goes for Venusaur.

It is BR's which means that all of the good players will be dragging out their favorite decks to have some fun with. Battle Roads is a time for people to basically mess around with fun decks and still help their newly developing POP Rating.
Ehh I ushually pick my decks on if they will be fun and if the will be good. Also playing "fun" decks brings up the argument that is fun winning?
I love to use different decks at BRs. I had a different one at every spring one this year.

The season gets really serious at cities and that's when people play the BDIF.
DOX: Have you played Yanmega? It is good, espicially with Shaymin. It runs really well, and can beat a few decks out there. Doesn't mind a T1 lock from Dialga G, but Luxray GL will be a problem. Of course, it is possible (not so high, but possible) you can beat Luxray.

Pokekid Brandon: Most likely yes, but also most likely that Arceus will not be out until February.
I think that yanmega is one of those decks that is gonna be hard to beat once it get's set up beacuse it has alot of HP and if you Ko a yanmega it does ot have any of the energy attached to it which is what reall makes it stand out from leafeon.
Gliscor said:
DOX: Have you played Yanmega? It is good, espicially with Shaymin. It runs really well, and can beat a few decks out there. Doesn't mind a T1 lock from Dialga G, but Luxray GL will be a problem. Of course, it is possible (not so high, but possible) you can beat Luxray.

Pokekid Brandon: Most likely yes, but also most likely that Arceus will not be out until February.

I don't see too many ways for Yanmega to deal more than 60 a turn without playing Energy Link. Also I have played a handful of decks that have used Shaymin and I have never once gotten it out effectively. Dialga will be dead after RR, so nobody should really fear the lock, but you lose to most G decks, and a large percentage of Gengar, Blazetran, and other T1 decks (aside from Machamp).
Perhaps the attack order is off. Aim for T2 Shaymin LV.X, and constantly Seed Flare until it's KOd (T3-4). Then you should be able to have a charged Yanmega to attack.

I'd prefer just having Yanmega, since you can switch between them all. You can attack with one, and charge the ones behind it. You can easily deal 80 per turn that way. Lucian's makes a more powerful hit when you need it as well.
Venusaur can stand a chance if your build is right IMO. The main point is, it's a very fun deck anyway. I'm not sure wether I can go to more than 1 BR, since KFC is my priority to play, but if I go to at least 2, I want to try out Venusaur and test(hopefully prove) its potential.