Battle road discussion thread.

d master342 said:
Blue Thunder said:
Meh, Blaziken FB actually donks Mudkip. All you need is Blaziken FB, Fire Energy, and Energy Gain. Or even just Blaziken FB and Cyrus' Conspiracy. o_O about an easy donk.

I fail to see Swampert going anywhere. Even with the protection against SPs, they outspeed Swampert by a crackload. By the time you get 4 energies, you'll be dead.

I don't see 3-1 Blaziken FB decks winning. I see it as a tech in regular Blaziken. Therefore, there would be no donk. That's just IMO. Donk decks aren't going to be winning in my mind.

dmaster out.

I also don't see why people would play straight Blaziken's too frail. However, if they do, then they have the chance for the donk.

Who knows? =D
Blaziken in Blazetran is a bad idea, completely useless, like teching a 1-1 Shaymin in a Beautifly donk deck almost. If you are going to play Blaziken play it with either Nape4, Luxray, Garchomp, or some sick combination of the three. I also want to test it out with Cherrim.

Swampert is bad, just like the ever growing list of decks that people are saying are good if played with the 'right list'. Swampert, Metagross, Yanmega, Venusaur, Honchkrow, Milotic, Ninjask-Shedinja, and Primeape. I may as well start hyping Camerupt and Exploud Swarm while I am here x.x

As for the deck that nobody saw coming, I would wager either Garchomp, Vire FB, Charizard, or Ray. Those are the viable decks that nobody has taken the time to test out.

As for me, at the moment I am playing Rampy because nobody is playing Gengar or Dialga.
DOX: Dont confuse "Cards to build with" with "Archetypes", most notably going for Metagross and Honchkrow. These cards can't work as main attackers, but they can faciltate a battle situation in which other Pokemon can shine.
Rampardos seems to be getting better, I might have to brinng it to BRs. I really think Blaziken is good but is overrated and won't see as much play as we think. I see Gengar/Machamp as a great deck when SV comes out.
DawnOfXatu said:
As for the deck that nobody saw coming, I would wager either Garchomp, Vire FB, Charizard, or Ray. Those are the viable decks that nobody has taken the time to test out.

As for me, at the moment I am playing Rampy because nobody is playing Gengar or Dialga.

I've tested both Ray and Charizard and they're ok. Unfortuantely they both require some set-up and most times i can get Ray lvX out by T3-4 which in todays meta isn't too good. And Charizard needs a 2-2 Heatran lvX or even a 1-1 and 1 or 2 Rayquaza LA to ensure that you can do 150 a turn. even though the normal forms have decent-ish attacks 50 for 2 (w/ energy gain) for charizard is pretty common amoung SP pokemon however for Rayquaza 50 for 39w/ energy gain) and a chance of failing is pretty bad.

I don't see them both to become big deck but i'm sure they'll see some play, if any, alot more than Swampert, thats for sure.
Lou: Both of those cards make exceptional rogue decks, and they both make average techs as well, but even so I do not see a huge amount of either being played at all. Metagross Gengar is just forsaking Fainting Spell in a heavy way to get a couple of easy KO's against Uxie, which is not how I see Gengar making a triumphant return into next season. Honchkrow with Luxray could be interesting, but past that you are just getting a couple of easy KO's while I actually build something that can sweep your field after a bit of stalling.

Battle Roads is a time for Rogue decks, but when people start saying that their rogue decks can actually handle a well built Meta-Deck there is a problem. Any deck can take a BR or two, but that means nothing as far as how good of a deck it is.
If a deck takes a couple of CCs then its a great deck. BRs is more of a fun time and players aren't trying to win every one. At Cities you see many more archtypes so that's the first time to prove a rouge.
DawnOfXatu said:
Lou: Both of those cards make exceptional rogue decks, and they both make average techs as well, but even so I do not see a huge amount of either being played at all. Metagross Gengar is just forsaking Fainting Spell in a heavy way to get a couple of easy KO's against Uxie, which is not how I see Gengar making a triumphant return into next season. Honchkrow with Luxray could be interesting, but past that you are just getting a couple of easy KO's while I actually build something that can sweep your field after a bit of stalling.

Battle Roads is a time for Rogue decks, but when people start saying that their rogue decks can actually handle a well built Meta-Deck there is a problem. Any deck can take a BR or two, but that means nothing as far as how good of a deck it is.

Now my main question against this post is:

How are you going to build up ANYTHING in the face of a Luxray that can hit the field 10 times? LuxKrow will prey on your weak basics and will bring back something that gets KO'd if they need a quick prize, but if you attempt to build up something, what's keeping it from pulling that one up and Trash Bolting it, leaving it very vulnerable.
Lou Cypher said:
DawnOfXatu said:
Lou: Both of those cards make exceptional rogue decks, and they both make average techs as well, but even so I do not see a huge amount of either being played at all. Metagross Gengar is just forsaking Fainting Spell in a heavy way to get a couple of easy KO's against Uxie, which is not how I see Gengar making a triumphant return into next season. Honchkrow with Luxray could be interesting, but past that you are just getting a couple of easy KO's while I actually build something that can sweep your field after a bit of stalling.

Battle Roads is a time for Rogue decks, but when people start saying that their rogue decks can actually handle a well built Meta-Deck there is a problem. Any deck can take a BR or two, but that means nothing as far as how good of a deck it is.

Now my main question against this post is:

How are you going to build up ANYTHING in the face of a Luxray that can hit the field 10 times? LuxKrow will prey on your weak basics and will bring back something that gets KO'd if they need a quick prize, but if you attempt to build up something, what's keeping it from pulling that one up and Trash Bolting it, leaving it very vulnerable.

Now this becomes more of a question of what type of deck I am playing. If I play a deck that can deal reasonable damage for a single Energy, Rampy, Gengar or Champy, then I can come back with a KO almost everytime. SP Decks don't have such thing as an 'easy basic' which you can KO every time, and all that is left is the grey area of decks that are not very good anyways. SP Decks and High Speed Decks have an answer to LuxKrow, but I will assure you that deck will do amazingly against Tier 1.5-2 decks.
Against SP decks NOT named Lux-Anything, LuxKrow will set up Honchkrow (X) and clean house with him, while doing some fieldwork with Luxray. It is true however that most Speed decks give LuxKrow fits, hence why I'm looking at testing DusKrow next.
fortegoddx said:
I think milotic might be seen. With an unknown g its almost impossible to kill.

until you draw a prize card, in which case it's extremely easy to kill?
so what's the strategy?
not ever attack and just hope your opponent decks himself?
plus at some point you're gonna get warp pointed or bright looked to death.
Frodus said:
fortegoddx said:
I think milotic might be seen. With an unknown g its almost impossible to kill.

until you draw a prize card, in which case it's extremely easy to kill?
so what's the strategy?
not ever attack and just hope your opponent decks himself?
plus at some point you're gonna get warp pointed or bright looked to death.

it still can do good. if you run it like a rayquaza c, and have a lot of discard power then you shouldn't have a problem. and if it gets warp'd then just bring it out again.

and now that jap cards are aloud. i might pick up some off of ebay.
fortegoddx said:
it still can do good. if you run it like a rayquaza c, and have a lot of discard power then you shouldn't have a problem. and if it gets warp'd then just bring it out again.
If I warp you, and KO you, then you're behind. >_>
how are you going to KO? unknown stops all effects and milotic stops damage. the only way i can think of besides power spraying is dialga's time skip and some other poke powers.
KO a Banette or something and you're pretty much winning. Everytime YOU KO something we can KO you. Because we get a prize lead we WILL win.
fortegoddx said:
Frodus said:
fortegoddx said:
I think milotic might be seen. With an unknown g its almost impossible to kill.

until you draw a prize card, in which case it's extremely easy to kill?
so what's the strategy?
not ever attack and just hope your opponent decks himself?
plus at some point you're gonna get warp pointed or bright looked to death.

it still can do good. if you run it like a rayquaza c, and have a lot of discard power then you shouldn't have a problem. and if it gets warp'd then just bring it out again.

and now that Japanese cards are aloud. I might pick up some off of ebay.

Well exactly, if you run it with discard power (so like, banette, lunatone, regice, or whatever else), we'll just warp you out and kill one of your discarders. then we have a prize card lead.

then every time you ever pick up a prize card we KO you. so we always have a lead.
and what happens once we've warp pointed all of your banettes out?
you can't discard as easily which makes you very vulnerable. This deck will not work. you might be able to stall your opponent for about 5-6 turns, but once he gets a sniper set up or a sweeper set up and warp points you, you lose.
Frodus said:
fortegoddx said:
Frodus said:
fortegoddx said:
I think milotic might be seen. With an unknown g its almost impossible to kill.

until you draw a prize card, in which case it's extremely easy to kill?
so what's the strategy?
not ever attack and just hope your opponent decks himself?
plus at some point you're gonna get warp pointed or bright looked to death.

it still can do good. if you run it like a rayquaza c, and have a lot of discard power then you shouldn't have a problem. and if it gets warp'd then just bring it out again.

and now that Japanese cards are aloud. I might pick up some off of ebay.

Well exactly, if you run it with discard power (so like, banette, lunatone, regice, or whatever else), we'll just warp you out and kill one of your discarders. then we have a prize card lead.

then every time you ever pick up a prize card we KO you. so we always have a lead.
and what happens once we've warp pointed all of your banettes out?
you can't discard as easily which makes you very vulnerable. This deck will not work. you might be able to stall your opponent for about 5-6 turns, but once he gets a sniper set up or a sweeper set up and warp points you, you lose.

ok. thanks for pointing that out. I'm only running it to stall for ray.
If you're not going to attack with Rayquaza, than why not just play with an actual hand instead of still limiting your options :/