Battle road discussion thread.

if you deck it you manipulate your tss to make it flow.
i played 3 roseannes and 3 bebes in my nats luxape deck
i also used claydol and ninetails.
not to mention vulpix isnt s bad as a start as dialga g is.
find wildfire extually saved me a few games at nats.
also i dont struggle against flygon but if they have 2 fully charged flygons 1 ko one they ko me then ninetails kos the next one.
sure dialga g shuts off azelf
but dialga g is harder to get out then ninetails.
If you didn't play Claydol you wouldn't play Bebe's. Otherwise it will slow you down tremendiously.

How is a T1 Trainer/Stadium lock followed by a T2 Body lock and possibly a T2 70 and a T3 80 bad?

You are playing Luxape. Flygon can't get out 2 fully charged Flygons purely b becuase you A outpeed them and B shut the down by taking the Claydols. Even with Upper, they can't get 2 fully charged Flygons Out. I would also like to remind you that if you block the Bodies of Flygon, you'll have a more favorable matchup. They can't retreat for free and they can't dicard a thing of your deck and the discard can hurt you alot more than it would against other decks.

And you obviously didn't read my whole post.
Well you cant block the bodies without giving them an auto prize. But I tested my Good flygon list against luxape which i had just built and it desrtoyrd flygon.
Yea that was what I tested against my Luxape. I honestly think that it is the bestbeacuse if you gey behind in energy you can charge up real quick. It also really helps the gengar matchup.
PokeKid Brandon said:
Well you cant block the bodies without giving them an auto prize. But I tested my Good flygon list against luxape which I had just built and it desrtoyrd flygon.

What auto-prize?
Extreme attack is an auto prize for flygon beacuse you can snipe Luxray Gl Lv.x, Infernape 4 LV.x, uxie lv.x and possibly dialgaG lv.x If they are using it. That is 3-4 Auto prizes and considering that you should be able to get some hits with Power swing then as long as you can keep the flygons coming then you should be able to keep it close.
Oops, I forgot about X-treme attack. Though it's not a biggy, as they still have to choose between that Dialga and Infernape that OHKO's you; or better, just don't play Dialga and only level the Infernape up when you are ready to OHKO them. They can't get 2 Evolved Pokémon (let stand alone 5) when you crushed their setup into tiny pieces, or sac a Promocroak (they need 3 Evolved Pokémon on the bench and you can Leap or -Turn away). You don't level Uxie up against Flygon and you should be PokéTurn your level X's when you see they have a Flygon ready; when it's not ready, you can keep the Dialga blocking them. They can't have a Flygon on the bench ready to level up and X-treme attack because if they do, you haven't listened to what I said; so you just THKO them and let them Power Swing you for not much or X-treme attack on nothing.
Yea I know. That is realy the onlt thing keepping me from playing flygon. The good news is that all the luxape stuff is VERY hard to get so that should run down the popularity a little bit as you must have good trade bait or be willing to drop several bucks. I am just glad that I have everything that I need for it.
^Infernape 4 and Luxray GL work together by being able to switch and type trump. And they don't have as bad as a matchup. Blaziken FB and Luxray GL (Flash Fire) works in a similar way, as you are still using the same type to your advantage. The difference is, Blaziken FB can do more consistant, faster damage than Infernape 4 (80 for and one discard or 100 for 2 and discard? Which is your choice.) Plus, for the switching, Luxray GL himself can switch plus Blaziken FB. You choose which Pokemon to bring up with Blaziken FB, thus losing your attack but massive disruption.
gengar the baller said:
In early game there is no way someone could do that kind of damage.

This is what I've been trying to tell PokeKid Brandon. He won't listen.

Blaziken is so fast, it outclasses Infernape. It can do other things too, such as burning a Claydol and having them locked for a turn.
Raquaza96 said:
Also Blaziken doesn't have to discard like Infernape. I really am thinking about playing him if I can get the cards.

Yeah, no discard.

I have a test version of it right now, it is really fast.
I really Think that if I am gonna play 1 of the 2 it will be Luxape beacuse I already have the cards for it and I just like it more.
Brawler said:
gengar the baller said:
In early game there is no way someone could do that kind of damage.

This is what I've been trying to tell PokeKid Brandon. He won't listen.

Blaziken is so fast, it outclasses Infernape. It can do other things too, such as burning a Claydol and having them locked for a turn.

ummm... mankey SV says hi.

all they have to do is find a way to poison/burn/crobat g/ whatever else, the blaziken, and then blaziken FB lv x can be one shot by a searchable basic for one energy. Not only that but he'll be susceptible to a load of other attacks that do damage+special condition because you'll have energy gain attached to him instead of unown G.

Relicanth has a good shot at OHKO-ing him as well as I'm sure they'll probably have at least one energy gain (if not two), and a stadium in play by the time they level up.

also they can just charge up an empoleon FB on their bench, let you kill something and then retaliate right away.

please don't think that blaziken FB is so fast it's untouchable, because it's really not that hard to KO on T2 or T3