IMO Flygon's terrible this format, no matter if it's a tech or not. I might be proven wrong though. Also it seems like It's going to be very hard to get out, w/ bench space and all. The deck has NO Bench Space at all. I need 3 Flowers and a Sunflora to keep the cycle going, a Spiritomb if I switched or not, and an Uxie/Azelf to get set up. 6 total, my whole board. I understand that Flygon seems amazing, w/ the retreat and all, but It's just not worth the room. I had a hard time fitting in a Smeargle. My deck went undefeated in swiss w/o me even playing it. It was a use each other decks tournament. Kinda Stupid IMO, but w/e. Also please try the deck then reply w/ Suggestions, in which kind of require me to change the deck drastically. Not too drastically but cutting the trainer's(Supporters and Stadiums) are hard and the fact that I'm playing over 22 pokemon(22 is a lot IMO) is not good, its gonna be 25 when i add in smeargle = \ I'll post an updated list in a few.