I woudl say that Claydol GE is needed, 2 of them. They cost now like 10-15 $ each, then the Supporters (Bebe's Searches, Rosenane's Researches, Cynthias feelings...) are also same in every deck, after that you need only good attacker, cheap one, if you are looking for, you should try Groudonk, T2 Groudon for 100 and every turn after it...
Here is simple list:
4x Groudon LA (3-5 $ each) (hits and loads)
2x Baltoy GE (0.5 $ each)
2x Claydol GE (10-15 $ each)
2x Regirock LA (3-5 $ each) (loads energys from dicarpile to it self)
4x Bebe's Seach SW/MT (2-4 $ each)
4x Roseanne's Research SW (3-5 $ each)
4x Cynthia's Fellings LA (4-7 $ each)
There was the expensive part...
4x Stark Mountain LA (2-4 $ each) (moves energys to Groudosn)
4x Enrgy Pick Up (2-4 $ each)
2x Night Maintenace (2-5 $ each)
28x Fighing (you may ask, why so much, you need 3 for T1... Read the card, Groudon and ask after...)
That's 108 $ and it totally ready for competitions. 108 $ is cheap when you star with nothing, but you cna use the engine, Claydols and Supporters and NMs in every of your Deck, so special cards of this deck, Groudons, Regorocks and NMs and Stark Mountains are cheap... So i count that its like 108-200 for a deck that can win any tournamen there is....