Best Deck Post-DE (CMT, Zek, Dark?)

I agree that the two top decks are Zekrom Eels and CMT, but ZekEels has a positive matchup against CMT for the most part. When one top deck beats the other, it's the BDIF. Regionals only confirmed this.
I think that the ZekEels would be best,because there is tornadus EX and 2 Mewtwo as a powerful countrr against terrakion...
Guys, I was just saying that Terrakion would win the most at BR, however, Zekeels and CMT have the best matchups agaist the WWD (world wide decks)
and Zekeels and CMT are the best decks in the format.
alexmf2 said:
Just because it is more popular does not mean that it should take 7 out of the 8 Regionals. CMT didn't even take the last one, Durant did.

Zekeels has a favorable matchup against CMT. Zekeels beats other Zekeels. Zekeels loses to Terrakion.

CMT Loses to Zekeels. CMT beats CMT. CMT beats Terrakion.

They are both 2-1. Zekeels won more regionals because by chance, CMT&Zekeels were more played than Terrakion. The results were based on numbers, not the deck.

Well ZekEeels is currently BDIF and I think it could continue to be that it's hard to say though. Still not sure exactly how strong dark decks will be. Dark decks are the main contender to the BDIF title I feel.
iisnumber12 said:
Zekeels has a favorable matchup against CMT. Zekeels beats other Zekeels. Zekeels loses to Terrakion.

CMT Loses to Zekeels. CMT beats CMT. CMT beats Terrakion.

They are both 2-1. Zekeels won more regionals because by chance, CMT&Zekeels were more played than Terrakion. The results were based on numbers, not the deck.


You can't say that ZekEels won almost every single Regionals because of luck. That's been the basis of so many of your arguments, counting on random things like your opponent being bad or that person ran hot which was the only reason he won. You can't win 7 out of 8 of the 3rd biggest tournaments in the US just from luck.
Cinema said:
You should go into a tournament with the mindset of winning, not just making cut. Zekrom Eels is clearly the better deck, and even if less people used it or not as many good players used it, it still won 8/9 Regionals, and if that's not the showing of a BDIF I don't know what is.

Actually ZEELS was played way more and the deck only has a slight advantage and with DEX CMT gets Tornadus EX.
With the release of Raikou-EX (which is probably going to replace Zekrom-EX), Zekrom/Eelektrik becomes a complete powerhouse. It can Catcher + OHKO any benched Tornadus-EXs (which I expect to be the Mono-Terrakion killer in lists such as Darkrai). This alone makes this deck worthy of being number one, aside from the fact that both Zekrom and Raikou can 2HKO any cards in the game! Another reason why Zekrom/Eelektrik is going to be the powerhouse from here on until Worlds is because it can abuse Terrakion which kills Darkrai-EX, Raikou-EX, and Zekrom-EX in one hit! In conclusion, I think Zekrom/Eelektrik is going to be BDIF Post-DE because of many factors such as Raikou-EX, Terrakion, and the ability to 2HKO anything that comes accross your path!
Tornadus EX does not improve CMT's ZekEels matchup at all; why would that matter? Meanwhile, Terrakion's advantage is only slightly favorable against a ZekEels (well I've won almost every Eel vs. Terrakion match I've played but my ZekEels is not anything close to average) and ZekEels is far more consistent than the other decks, something which has not been mentioned. In a semi-RPS semi-skill semi-luck format the most consistent deck is going to have a big advantage.
Dark Void said:
Tornadus EX does not improve CMT's ZekEels matchup at all; why would that matter? Meanwhile, Terrakion's advantage is only slightly favorable against a ZekEels (well I've won almost every Eel vs. Terrakion match I've played but my ZekEels is not anything close to average) and ZekEels is far more consistent than the other decks, something which has not been mentioned. In a semi-RPS semi-skill semi-luck format the most consistent deck is going to have a big advantage.

I never said that. It improves ZekEels' CMT matchup.
alexmf2 said:
You can't say that ZekEels won almost every single Regionals because of luck. That's been the basis of so many of your arguments, counting on random things like your opponent being bad or that person ran hot which was the only reason he won. You can't win 7 out of 8 of the 3rd biggest tournaments in the US just from luck.

I did not win by luck. It won by chance. If more people went with Terrakion over Zekeels and CMT, regionals would have turned out differently.
Nigel said:
I never said that. It improves ZekEels' CMT matchup.

I was responding mostly to the person before you who said that CMT had only a slightly disadvantageous matchup and would be better with Tornadus EX out.
When posting your opinion, please back it up or explain it. Otherwise, warnings will be issued to those who don't.
iisnumber12 said:
I did not win by luck. It won by chance. If more people went with Terrakion over Zekeels and CMT, regionals would have turned out differently.

That's also a very bad argument. If Terrakion is oh so good, why didn't the ones that were played ever win?
Because Terrakion also relies on alot of luck. They revolve around getting that Energy Drop and that EXP Share. If any one of those components are missing when the opponent gets that knock out, the entire deck falls apart. And I really don't see me playing any Tornadus EX or Raikou EX. I might try out Raikou if I can get one, but to me Tornadus is a little over-hyped. I'm not saying it isn't good, but cut it in this format. The only saving grace for that card is that Zoroark only has 100 HP, so I can see it being ran in CMT.
alexmf2 said:
That's also a very bad argument. If Terrakion is oh so good, why didn't the ones that were played ever win?

If the majority of the player base at a tournament plays the same deck, it is the deck most likely to win. Pokémon is a game of skill and luck. Straight Terrakion doesn't outclass Zekrom Eels to the point where everyone who plays it is going to win Regionals. Zekeels has the largest player base by far, and is a decent enough deck for people to win with it. I played 13 rounds against Zekrom Eels at States and Regionals combined. I played a total of 12 round against anything that wasn't Zekeels. I only lost three rounds to Zekeels, one to a donk, and my deck wasn't even good. I went 10-1, 4-3 and 4-3 at those tourneys. This should say something. With such a large player base, it is going to have the best odds to take the most wins. Does it mean Zekrom Eels is better than every other deck in the format? Not at all. It is still a good deck, but it is in no way a clear BDIF.
If one person got a really good list of CMT/Terrakion that could beat all of those ZekEels, it should not matter at all how many ZekEels there are. If anything, that should help you. You wont have to prepare for the other matchups.

It only takes one to win a tournament.
alexmf2 said:
If one person got a really good list of CMT/Terrakion that could beat all of those ZekEels, it should not matter at all how many ZekEels there are. If anything, that should help you. You wont have to prepare for the other matchups.

It only takes one to win a tournament.

But that's impossible. Every good Zekeels player tests the CMT matchup and doesn't just hope to win. Every good Zekeels player knows how to beat CMT and should have a list that does 90% of the time. CMT can test all they want, but they still will not get more than an 80% positive matchup.
You don't "hope" to win. If your deck is good enough to win, it will win. It shouldn't matter in the slightest how many players you face using the same deck.