Best Donphan variant?

What's the best option?

  • Donchamp(Donphan/Machamp)

    Votes: 8 17.0%
  • Yanphan(Donphan/Yanmega)

    Votes: 12 25.5%
  • Stage 1 Rush(Donphan/Zoroark/Cincinno)

    Votes: 12 25.5%
  • Other(explain in post)

    Votes: 15 31.9%

  • Total voters
Yoshidude10 said:
Hmmm... a lot of people are saying Yanphan is the best way to go in the poll, but a lot of the people in the thread are saying DD is best. *Yoshi is confused* I guess that means they're equal?

No, as of the time, I'm posting this, Stage 1 Rush has 8 votes out of 20, while DD only has 7 votes out of 20. So theoretically Stage 1 Rush > DD... Although they both have their strengths and weaknesses, as when one of them gets set up, the other rolls and dies, and this goes both ways. Yanmegas dry up, and die to Zekrom, Donphan crushes Zoroark, but Donphan crushes Zekrom and Reshiam (with a PlusPower), so I'd say that they're both technically and strategically equal.

P.S: I've learned a lot since May 17th, 2011, when I've read my first article, THANK YOU! :)
Yes, you do normally have a hard time with Donphan in DD, but that's why you tech in a 2-2 Yanmega. I already played Judge and Copycat, so it wasn't hard to fit it it.
Well i think machamp is the best donphan varient because of its poke power and its just a high hitting card. Its poke power is great when pokemon catcher comes out.
No, it'll be terrible when catcher comes out because the opponent can just catcher up machamp when he doesn't have any energy on him and KO him. It will also be difficult to set him up due to him being stage 2.
As the poll will show, it is entirely preference. I like Stage 1 Toolbox with Yanmega, Donphan, and Zekrom/Cinccino, although D&D is in a close second for me.I can see Stage 1 toolbox going as far as winning worlds. It is fast, consistent, and powerful. As Ty said, though, the best donphan is the one that goes first. Donphan is a card where it is at a disadvantage if it goes second regardless of the matchup. I also have to agree about the KYJ matchup. The Reshirams almost feel like a dead weight in that matchup as they are easy reversal targets and snipe-arounds. They can't attack for massive damage, and they cost a DCE or a switch to retreat. Even so, they have their purpose in inhibiting damage dealt by Kingdra (if it ever comes to that). Stage 1s don't have those giant bench sitters, so it has a bit of a better matchup against KYJ.

Donchamp is inconsistent in my experience. I'm just not seeing it due well due to its lack of consistency and speed.
I dunno, I think Donchamp does pretty well if played correctly (granted last time i played it was precut.) but I won 3rd place in stated using Donchamp simply because of the silly techs (Mesprit LA!!) and spamming donphans. I guess i can't argue too much since i haven't even playtested it since the rotation, i've been meesing with magneboar which turned into reshiboar which eventually turned into D&D. True donchamp is harder to set up quickly, unless you run lots of PONT, Judge, sage's. I suppose i'll check it out in new format and get back to ya!
Yanmega/Donphan is probably the fastest and most reliable donk deck. Donphan + Dragons is just random and stupid imo. If you start with a lone dragon, you're kinda messed up. You don't want to be messed up in a donk deck.
Donphan/Machamp is also interesting because it has a late game plan. Imo Donphan decks are not suited for late game, so I don't really see this working well.

(I still wouldn't play anything with Donkphan in it, but hey. Just thinking along here.)
I think Donphan and Dragons is currently the best donphan variant of actually using donphan as the main component to a deck. I personally see him more are a tech than anything however. But I've built what I believe to be a close replica to google's 2nd place deck and it is fun to play. It takes alot of thinking to actually work it correctly and knowing what to do at every step of the game. So I guess his deck can be added to Donphan variants.