Pokemon Best Pokemon concept or design?

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XD, my best pokemon concept would be, MudKip because it was original. When I played Pearl and chose Piplup and evolved it to the 3rd evolution it looked almost the same ans MudKip's 3rd evolution. . . . .
Altaria. Unlike the rest of the dragon type Pokemon, it wasn't about power, but support. And a cloud dragon was new. All the other were. ARRRGH! LOOK AT MY POWER!! Altaria was calm, cool and laid back, with a totally new idea. Un.like the wannabe Sharpedo, Garchomp :/
I mean really, looking at all the dragons, not alot changes in the basic design.
ludicolo is a dancing mexican duck. you cant get more original than that.
the other grass types were fully nature, and the other waters were fully i can swim. He just made the duck family shine.
Wobbuffet, a random blob like....err...thing?

But of course there's Exeggutor, who would of thought of a walking Palm Tree...
I have made a new pokemon, Pokemon Pokemon. It has all the moves types and strengths of every pokemon, it looks like they all combined into a big lugia mixed with some fire.
I agree with master of the 6 kings about altaria. I quite liked the idea behind Absol. I also liked the idea that the rubbish magikarp evolves into gyarados, which can be really powerful.
Arceus, obviously. I mean, the god of all pokemon HAS to be a good design. In addition, its face, if you look closely, resembles a clown.
The best Pokemon design has to be Larvitar.



Larvitar is cute, but still shows strength. Unlike most rock types that are big geometric rock formations Larvitar has many curved lines and is quite small. He shows a good mix of strength and weakness. There's the cute Larvitar, and the stong fighter side of Larvitar. He's a special Pokemon that shares many good unique charateristics. He also shares some with Pikachu. That's why I think he the best Pokemon design. Thank you.
D&P: This isn't a my fav thread lol :p

And sableye, mawile and nosepass were cool too. Each having 1 feature found on a human face as their base etomology and design. Of course Nosepass' pokedex placement and probopass messed that up =/ I still love Sableye's crystal eyes, but Altaria is still my vote for best. Just adding in other note-worthy ones.
Naturally great ideas from the one and only Master of the six kings!!!

But everyone else has contributed some worthly mentions!!!

I don't Know why but Drifblim comes to mind when i link of intresting design! a giant blimp! haha

I like the design of Magby. Its a baby pokemon, which isn't ment to be the cutest, neither is it the most powerful. I guess the fact that it isn't entirely based on an animal, and the fact he has a cloud on his head makes it better. It just appeals to me because it...does. Cresselia and Darkrai are excellent, Excellent looks, and a sinnoh legendary that doesn't control the world in some way or another!
deoxys hands down I mean a pokemon virus in space that got shot by a beam and formed landing to earth by a crater!!!you cant get better than than:

with a brain on its chest!
I think Magby looks like its brains are popping out of his head. Anyways I have to say either Charizard or Torterra. Both are very well designed IMO. But Snorunt is pretty awsome aswell.
My first thought when I saw this thread was a favourite Pokemon thread. But it seems to be the design/concept now, so I'll let it be.

For me, I find the Porygon line to be very interesting. Instead of using a ZOMG MECHA ROBOTIC THING WITH LAZERS (but that would have been cooler :F), they used this cute little toy that wrecks the metagame.
I think that Milotic, Tyrannitar, and Shiftry all look really cool in some of the card designs. I mean, Milotic's a gigantic eel thing, while Tyrannitar's like a dinosaur while Shiftry is a this bird-like thing? With fans as hands which can create humongous gusts of wind...
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