Best Prime in HGSS Unleashed!

Best Prime of HGSS2?

  • Crobat

    Votes: 22 16.3%
  • Kingdra

    Votes: 44 32.6%
  • Lanturn

    Votes: 15 11.1%
  • Steelix

    Votes: 4 3.0%
  • Tyranitar

    Votes: 35 25.9%
  • Ursaring

    Votes: 15 11.1%

  • Total voters
i think all of the primes are nice and good, they just got different match up compatibilities, as they should have. pokemon is like rock, paper and scissors, something always takes out the other, remember?

personally I love Tyranitar Prime, but it was a normal kingdra and an Ursaring Prime that won me the prerelease.
@kwisdumb: I agree. Crobat is probably the most quirky of the bunch, and what you really have to do is use enough support to get that poison to bring them low enough to knock them out (or knock them out). Such cards include Weezing GE and Ariados MT (the former increases damage, the latter increases retreat).
Unown G is still legal in the format, however, it is not as often used anymore, since most of the current metagame decks do not revolve around attack effects. Warp Point, however, is used a lot.

It's probably the free retreat bit that hooked me. Kingdra Prime has potential that is much easier to bring about, but...Bright Look. Ow. And seeing as many (but not all) decks run Bright Look, it's a risky world for Kingdra. (Then again, Crobat's weak to Luxray too, so what am I whining about?)

I can't understand the Tyranitar love, though. 160 HP on a Stage 2 is high, yes, but his attacks are much to be desired. Power Claw is good because it bypasses Poke-Bodies like Donphan (so with a belt it will do 80), but Donphan can usually OHKO the guy right back, so it's a mixed blessing. Darkness Howl is good in a straight-out Dark deck, but if non-Dark techs are used it can severely cripple your own bench. (In fact, the only Dark tech I can think of is Darkrai LV.X, or Darkrai MD.) Megaton Tail is...ehh...debatable. Is the loss of three cards really worth a 4-for-140 attack?

If anything, Ursaring Prime can hit a lot higher than Tyranitar Prime for a lot less setup, in my opinion. Expert Belt will give him 130 HP (stage 1), and that plus Berserk grants him a +80 to all his attacks. Still, I'm a sucker for Steelix because his only real fear in the format is Blaziken FB. (Same reason why Kingdra is so good - that's the only real Fire-type threat around.)
Well if I remember correctly Steelix Prime won a BR against Luxchomp, though I personally like Kingdra Prime though it gets destroyed by somewhat popular Arcues in my area.I might try Tyranitar next format since it seems he is the ONLY prime I can pull.Anyone has thought of Tyranitar being teched with Kingdra?Kingdra can easily spread damage thanks to the Ppower and also can hit out Donphans.
Fire Deck tech to stop SP variants: Rapidash Wild Guard.
Rapidash AR
Infernape E4/Blaziken FB
Luxray GL - Overall amazing plus Kingdra Counter (prime and regular)

Lanturn would be good if it's tech wasn't Stage 2, but RD is a strong possibility:
Feral Prime
Lanturn Prime
Luxray GL.....etc I'm missing some tech cards...uh Tomb....etc
In my opinion, Lanturn is the best of these cards. It's one of my favourite Pokémon, too. :3

The others are all... eh, decent, I guess, but Tyranitar, Ursaring and Crobat all look... weird, in a way. And I've never liked Kingdra or Steelix...
I voted Kingdra. He's really fast; 1 energy for 60 and a crobat g per turn? That's awesome and you can always play him with LA Kingdra against fire types.
Kingdra is probably the best, but isn't very playable in this format because 40% of decks are Luxchomp. Lanturn is pretty good for this format.
Kingdra is BY FAR the best-
It is the only one who can do something on the bench.
IIRC it is the first major card since FLYGON EX that spreads damage every turn w/out attacking.
It does 60 for one, except against fire.
It has good retreat.
It can cover it's weakness to lightning easy in the deck as it has space(aka Promocroak/Kingdra LA)
It can be teched into ALMOST any evolution deck and do well, instead of bats run Kingdra etc.
It is the only prime in the set that can beat Jumpluff w/out a donk(T-tar can try but even w/spreading it is way too slow, crobat is beat by the luxray techs that are in jumpluff)
I like Kingdra for speed and Spray Splash is awesome. Plus Kingdra is a really fun deck to play.

I think with Undaunted and (most likely) Vileplume it can work well with almost no way to retreat with Vileplume blocking Switch/Warp Point and Crobat with Memory Berry blocking retreat.

Other than Crobat, I think Kingdra is definitely good as Fire decks are not very common and even then, Kingdra LA will usually take care of them just fine. Spray Splash is a great Poke-Power and it is repeatable and stacks, something Crobat G could only dream of doing.