Best set released so far

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RE: Worst theme deck

my bad. i musy hav already had swampert lol. sceptile was ok though. if u got out a grass energy a sceptile a rare canndy and a trecko you could do a bit of damage on ur first turn Of course treecko, torchic and tailow all suked...
RE: Best Unlimited Card

gust of wind, energy removal and the no-nonsense card Bill, aaah good time boys
The Most Intense~

I thought it would be interesting to bring this up:
What is the most intense match you have faced in your life?
Intense match is a match where both players have great matchups which the matchups makes you bite your nails...~_~

Mine is:
CC finals,
Me(Slowking/D.Slowking) Vs. Forgot his name(DragTrode with R'sSneasel ex)
The one match I wont forgot...I started with a slowpoke.. -__-, he got Pidgeot T2. I evolved...Used Crystal Shard to kill his Dragons and finally, I have a and 4 Jirachi's in my bench. I stalled for a while using Jirachi...He used his R's Sneasel(1 energy) and ko'd my Jirachis. Prize is 2(me)-1(him). I drew... crystal shard...Attached to Slowking=Litter=10 Hp left. -___-
He searched for A R Enegy...Ringed my slowking. gg.

me(Slaking/Sceptile) Vs. Kin Hong (RAMBO deck)
Both of us have great start...He got his Manetric T2, and I got my Pidgeot T2. We killed each other until Prize is 2-2, no benched. I got Sceptile ex, with 5 damage counters, he got Blaziken ex with 10 damage counters. It's his turn. He have 2 energies on the Blaziken ex and need to flip a heads to ko my sceptile....He flipped.

Heads. -__-

Yeah...I lost both...Pretty fun though...Bring back memories.
While I get lost in my memories...Post what intense match you had so far.

RE: Best Unlimited Card

what else?? BILL !!! the greatest, free 2 card drawing, no discarding, trainer (yup not a supporter!) card
RE: The Most Intense~

My most intense match was just this afternoon with my aunt. She used a Blaziken Master trainer deck and I used the Team Aqua deck. All went well for me until she got Blaziken.
Then it was at 5-5. She KO'd my Aqua's Kyogre.
Looking back, I realized what a big mistake I made. Walrein does 10+10 more for each energy attached to it. Not 10x energy attached.
If I had followed it clearly, I could have KO'd her Seaking and won the game, so -________________-
RE: The Most Intense~

My most intense matchup was at OK SC's 2006. Good lord that was a hard one. It was top 4 11-14.
Me(Zap-Turn-Dos) vs ? (Gengar LM/Pidgeot)
He went first and did a pichu start getting a gastly and a pidgey. I went and recharged my elektrike. He candys into pidgeot and qs's for a haunter and does 20 to me(he warp pointed up the other gastly on his bench) I got and legendary ascent and knock it out. he throws down a desert ruins and sends up plusle, then celios a gengar, qs's a candy, candys into gengar and attaches a react. My go I kill the plusle, and before that i evolved a benched voltorb to Electrode HL. then he goes and attached to gengar and puts it up and does 40 to me (cursed reaction). i attach to benched electrode, and do 70 to him. he kills me with super sy bolt. i draw and attach again to my electrode and do 30 to him. ( i have nothing left in my hand). his go, he qs's something and does 60 to my electrode. I draw and get a battle frontier, like that would help. i needed an energy so i could kill the stupid gengar to win(i had knocked out some stuff before that, i just forgot to tell you). I do thirty to him, though since he had attached a sitrus berry the turn before it didn't kill him, and he is only at 100 damage. sadly he kills electrode the next turn, then kills my elektrike after that. though it was still a great match. gg man.

Arcanine out.
RE: The Most Intense~

My most intense match was at Ohio CC against a 15 and Up teenager. I was worried I would lose because I'm in 11-14 and we started to play but really the seats got mest up (we found that out after). Any ways I started with Rocket's Hitmonchan ex and Poliwag on bench and the game started out like a regualer game until he pulled out Dark Ttar and killed my ex and he killed another Rockets' Hitmonchan with his second Dark Ttar and a furret. Soon I pulled Celio's Network for a Poliwrath[UF] and started doing 140 to his Dark Ttars and he eventually sent out a Marcargo and couldn't do anything and I killed it and one.:cool: Also I won the CC for my age division:cool::cool::cool:
RE: what's your all around favorite card

A lot of faves by Kagemaru Hinemo. That artist's lighting skill is amazing...

Um.. aside from every card by Hinemo, there's also Scizor ex, Deoxys ex (all but attack), Attack Deoxys (phantom)... got a lot more, none come to mind immediately though.
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