Best set released so far

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RE: What is your most wanted card?

__________'s mew, that's like the cutest mew card, and it's mine ( ___________'s means that you must fill in your name (like B-day pika))
RE: What is your most wanted card?

There is already a thread like this that is still good:

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RE:  what's the worst card

Lord9511 said:
Maybe Raichu from somewhere I don't know now? 4 (L) energies for 30 and 10 to 3 Benched...
You know, at the time doing damage to benched Pokemon was very impressive and a rarity.
Which is the best Theme deck for after Worlds

I made it to Worlds 2006 and I was informed that I need damage counters and special conditions counters for Worlds and I'm buying a theme deck so which one should I get
RE: Which is the best Theme deck for after Worlds

Buy "Floodrush," the Latios theme deck of EX: Holon Phantoms. Since Crystal Guardians won't be released in time for Worlds, the Holon Phantoms theme decks are the most recent decks you can buy. In my opinion, Floodrush is a better option than FireMist since in Floodrush, you get 1 Bellossom δ (in FireMist, you get 1 Blaziken).
RE: Which is the best Theme deck for after Worlds

It doesn't. A lot of the cards in it are terrible; I just like Bellossom δ. You said you needed Special Condition and damage counters, and the ones you get in the Holon Phantoms pre-constructed decks are the most recent ones you can find.
RE: Which is the best Theme deck for after Worlds

Well I'm aiming for a theme deck that has cards that could come in handy in decks sorry wasn't too clear on that
RE: Which is the best Theme deck for after Worlds

Go here to look at the theme deck lists. Most good Pokémon or Trainers come in copies of only one or two (there are 3 Energy Removal 2 in the EX LeafGreen deck, and 4 of Claw and Root Fossil in Groundbreaker, however).
RE: Which is the best Theme deck for after Worlds

You can always borrow :p

EDIT: Another good one is the Plusle Minun trainer kit. one free booster. Beldum to set-up. Arcanine too.
RE: Which is the best Theme deck for after Worlds

Wait, just make a thread like "I WANNA DAMAGE COUNTERS AND MARKERS ASAP"
RE: Which is the best Theme deck for after Worlds

I'd go with the Steeplechase Delta Species deck, it has Salamence who I think is a powerful and can combo well with the new sets. Although watch out for crystal shard.
RE: Which is the best Theme deck for after Worlds

Mew the source of all said:
I need damage counters and   special conditions counters
i say one of the UF decks, they have cool counters( like a sort (Flaming) tornado or (something))
RE: Which is the best Theme deck for after Worlds

I can provide you with some counters and you can return me those when you come back
RE: Which is the best Theme deck for after Worlds

no doubt, go for the delta s deck (rapidash outcover), it has 2 metal, salamence, porygon2 (backup!!), H magneton, H researcher , good cards !

since it will be the battle of deltas soon so porygon2, H researcher , metal is really nice, u get counters and good cards
RE: Which is the best Theme deck for after Worlds

(TYranitarFReak):i dont think there's any Holon's magneton is Steeplechase theme is good though....

Back to topic:well if i were u i'll get either one of the four delta theme decks...
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