Best set released so far

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RE: Which card do you think has the coolest picture?

I think Parasect SV has the coolest picture. xP And Beautifly PT has so beautiful picture.
RE: Which card do you think has the coolest picture?


The name of the first attack is what makes the art really stand out... ;)

Seriously speaking, however, I am partial to Aggron ex from Crystal Guardians.
RE: Which card do you think has the coolest picture?

mcbeasterson said:

The name of the first attack is what makes the art really stand out... ;)

I don't like Clefairy, but this card is nice. When I see it I was like "awww... :3". xP
RE: Which card do you think has the coolest picture?

I can't pick a favorite card art, there are too many good artist that i like and i can't just choose one of them, let alone one of their artworks. But here are my favorite artists (in no particular order); Kawayoo (LOVE the acrylic paints) Masakazu Fukuda (again with the paints and bright colors) Hironobu Yoshida (cartoony, and Yoshi is in the last name :p ) can't forget Shizurow and Kagemaru Himeno. And last but not least TOKIYA, the best Treecko art i have seen in my life.
RE: Which card do you think has the coolest picture?

There are a lot of good artwork cards that I like such as Cresselia LV X, Gardevoir SW, Giratina LV X, Bibarel SF, Rising Rivals LV Xs or basically any Psychic and perhaps Water Pokemon(e.g Palkia G LV X). But the one that stands out for me at the moment is this... :D
RE: Which card do you think has the coolest picture?

Charizard G Lv. X. Its like he's trying to melt the SP off or something.
RE: Which card do you think has the coolest picture?

I also prefer absol Lx's, absol's body was golwing and the back ground was awesome.
RE: Which card do you think has the coolest picture?

Of course the Legends and Lv.X/Great are probably the best and most detailed. Specific ones I'm fond of are Luxray GL Lv.X, Gengar Lv.X, and Great Ampharos.

dmaster out.
RE: Which card do you think has the coolest picture?

That Wailord GE is just boss! Mitsuhira Arita's artwork is just awesome :D
RE: Which card do you think has the coolest picture?

palkia g lv.x looks so intimidating for real.
Which card do you think is the most successful one in TCG

Well, TCG have been published for 14 years, and which card do you think is most successful?

For example:
Claydol GE for its draw power
Charizard from Base set for its attacks 120 damages, etc
RE: Which card do you think is the most successful one in TCG

its kind of a hard choice. rare candy has been played since it was released about 6 years ago maybe later then that.
RE: Which card do you think is the most successful one in TCG

Gardy SW.

Broken power.

Broken Attack...

Made more broken by the fact that there were next to no viable counters to it. Granted, there WERE cards that could beat the snot out of it. It just so happened that the other 2 dominate decks (magmortar, then Empolock) actually covered Gardys weaknesses stupidly well.
RE: Which card do you think is the most successful one in TCG

Charizard from crystal guardians because i used it at the very first tournament i went to :) +the 120 damage was nice
Best set of 09

What are the best and worst sets of 09.

To the mods I think this goes here move it if I am wrong.
I think the best set was Arcues I mean that has some good cards in it changed the game alot to.

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