Best set released so far

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RE: Best set of 09

platinum brought SP's. SP's stayed in format, won 2 divisions of worlds, and pretty much every state championship when they came out. and int was PL that started it all.
RE: Best set of 09

Arceus, it's completely changed the metagame in unpredictable ways.

dmaster out.
RE: Best set of 09

dmaster said:
Arceus, it's completely changed the metagame in unpredictable ways.

dmaster out.
It also added many techs and decks expert belt for one.

RE: Best set of 09

Platinum. Without it, we would have NO SP crap. Like elekid said. Platinum FTW. Also, Platinum brought a new age of lock decks.
RE: Best set of 09

1st: Rising(luxray,flygon, and more
2nd: Arceus(X's and good trainers)
3rd: Platinum(trainers)
4th:Sureme Victors (this set was just horrible)
RE: Best set of 09

Wow. LOTS of good sets. Supreme Victors was terrible, but Platinum, Rising Rivals and Arceus were good. I don't like the Rares in Arceus, though, but it's a good set to collect. Rising Rivals is just PWN, with all those sweet LV.X's, and Platinum...well...Cyrus Engine right there.
RE: Best set of 09

1st: Tie between Platinum and Rising Rivals. Brought us SP pokemon, LUXRAY GL, DIALGA G, nuff said ther
2nd: Arceus: brought us SPIRITOMB, EXPERT BELT, but, the Level X pokemon were just overhyped
3rd: Supreme Victors: brought us... ummm.... GARCHOMP C... and that's about it, Rayquaza C to, but, just a meh set
RE: Best set of 09

1. Rising Rivals
2. Platinum, Arceusd
3. Supreme Victors
4. Platinum

You just don't use many of the lv. X's or anything from PT. The Ampharos failed, unlike everybody thought it would, the only used Lv. X's were really Dialga G and Palkia G. This set did also introduce SP's, which was the stupidest idea ever, IMO. All it did was change the game to a contest of "I can get my pokemon set up faster than you can" contest, and there isn't a whole lot of strategy anymore.
RE: Best set of 09

yeah platinum only had energy gain poke turn cyrus and power spray. The metagame would be completely different without these cards. I'd go:

1. Platinum
2. Rising Rivals
3. Arceus (mainly because of expert belt :p)
4. Supreme Victors
RE: Best set of 09

This is a tough decision for me but I'd go this way-
1). Rising Rivals, while Platinum brought us SPs that's all it brought, this gave us SPs,Flygon and Nidoqueen
2). Platinum, really just SPs, aside from that it gave us Broken Time Space,Looker's and Pokemon Rescue
3). Supreme Victors,Garchomp C which is challenging Luxray for most used SP LV.X, Absol G and Blaziken
4). Promo Cards, Toxicroak G Promo came to us and packs too :)
5). Arceus, Gengar LV.X, which isn't a staple in Gengar and Expert Belt what else is used in Tier decks?
RE: Best set of 09

I like Plat to but I did not think it had as good of stuff. I mean Arcues gives you 4 decks and Belt prob more if you include the Arcues deck in which I don't belive in

RE: Best set of 09

4 decks?
Like what?
I mean there is NO tier deck that comes from Arceus-
Sally has done nothing in cities
Tangrowth hasn't seen play
Arceus made one top cut.
Gengar X isn't even a staple in Gengar and curse gar isn't either?
Which means I count ZERO decks and ONE good card ;)
RE: Best set of 09

sonicyellow said:
I would say MD or AR.

There is a slight problem with that MD did not come out until 2008 and that is not 09 and what is AR Arcues.

And sallmence charizard Tang and toxicroack fossil all kinds of deck in Arcues.

RE: Best set of 09

RR I'm sick of it cuz I started collecting during and have or have had most all of the cards. SV is probably one of the worst sets ever
RE: Best set of 09

1st Rising Rivals:
It's just amazing, having two of the BCIF's in it, Flygon/Flygon Lv.X and Luxray GL Lv.X is pretty good, along with a couple of good Rares and Holos (Nidoqueen, Beedrill, Lucario GL) and some nice Trainers it's a good set to spent money on.
2nd Platinum:
Team Galactic's Inventions, Palkia G Lv.X, Dialga G/Dialga G Lv.X, Skuntank G and lots more of SP Support makes this set incredible, it also has some cards for pretty good rogue decks like Shaymin Lv.X and Kricketune. Also one of my favourite decks are in this set, Blastcatty. So this set definately deserves the second spot here.
3rd Arceus:
Nice Level X's and...Expert Belt and...Spiritomb along with nice Rares and Holos like Gengar, Sceptile, Fossils and maybe Arceus which is one of the worst decks but they look kewl and you can get good stuff for them, especially from little children.
4th Supreme Victors:
Yeah, it has good cards, Blaziken FB/Lv.X and Garchomp C/Lv.X along with okay trainers and holos. But the rares just suck (Sableye G!?!?!?) and the Commons/Uncommons do even more, I mean Arcanine does 40 damage for 4 energies..are we playing Pokémon Rumble? Yeah and the 140+ cards of the set doesn't make it easier to pull the good cards. So not worth to spend money on this one.
RE: Best set of 09

1st Rising Rivals: It's really close between this and Platinum but Luxray GL LV.X and Flygon are seen in a major percentage of the decks today and Nidoqueen is amazing too. Gallade, Infernape and other things aren't uncommon either. Most of this set was so bad that it's funny but enough cards in it are played that it barely makes 1st.
2nd Platinum: Most cards in this set are good and see play as rogues occasionally. Without this set SPs would be bad and Gengar would miss Looker. We wouldn't have Palkia or Dialga/Garchomp. Gyardos would be WDIF without BTS and Pokemon Rescue. Most decks use at least one card from this set, though not all Stage 2 decks do.
3rd Arceus: Arceus ruined the great metagame from Battle Roads because there's a lot of playable cards in the set, it's just that other sets are a bit better. I don't see many Arceus set-based decks but they're remotely common as far as I can tell. Expert Belt and Spiritomb are so game-breaking that I don't know what to expect anymore. Almost any Stage 2 deck that used to be playable is playable again.
4th Supreme Victors: This set had Absol G, Garchomp, Garchomp C, Blazeiken FB and a few random cards that were okay. But the overall set isn't that good and most of the cards in it don't see that much play.

I think that's a pretty standard order but it depends a lot on if you look at the set's playability as a whole or at just the playable cards.
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