I bacame fourth (4-1-0) this weekend in an LC using Entei AOR ( 2 of both) and 4 slugma XY/Magcargo PCR.
The strategy was streaming blacksmith turn after turn and setting up two pokemon per turn. Magcargo with hard charm survives M. Manectric and only needs 2HKO against everything except Wailord so it's really a good prize trade. Also kills Shaymin-EX in one attack.
It easily beats Vespiquen because I'm faster in setting up and after killing 4 Vespiquen/DCE they struggle to return.
That doesn't work since Reshiram can only attach energy to Dragon type pokemon, not Fire types.
I meant reshiram EX, I'm sorry to anyone who didn't understand me.
Reshiram EX doesn't have an ability or attack involving attaching energy...literally no Reshiram except the ROS Dragon-type one attaches energy, and like I said, it only attaches to Dragon-types.
So how any Reshiram contributes to a speed Fire build is a complete mystery to me :\
What about a deck without a fire EX pokémon?
I've been playing with this deck since February and I got some above average results with it. Only have a bad time against pure Seismitoad EX decks, and the most agressive versions of Night March and Rayquaza decks (those who don't run Aegislash, Bronzong).
This deck is not viable in standard format though because I can't think of anything replacing Reshiram with the same effectiveness.
You could always add some DCE and run AT Entei instead of Reshiram.
Then the deck would lose a lot of potential... :'c
The deck is very dependent of a good early game, and quite often you need some early Scorched Earth action.
DCE would reduce the potential draw with Scorched Earth and energization with Blacksmiths and make the deck a bit vulnerable to Hammers and Xerosics.
Also, Entei isn't quite as powerful as Reshiram.
Reshiram's Outrage puts a lot of pressure to Lucario-EX and Yveltal-EX, since both don't knockout Reshiram so easily.