Big Basics (Landorus EX / Tornadus EX / Mewtwo EX)

I found Tornadus to be less useful in the past,
against Plasma Box it is pretty much useless, because Thundurus ruins your day,
its only really consistent against Landorus, but indlucing Eviolite pretty much serves the same purpose.

I also tested 2 Keldeo 2 Float Stone with 1 Switch and 1 Scramble Switch and found it to be incredibly consistent,
with only 4 Switches i just cant deal with the 4 Lasers 4 Catcher everything plays, but once Keldeo Stone is set up, you never have to worry about sleep flips or poison.
Gamebreak0r said:
I found Tornadus to be less useful in the past,
against Plasma Box it is pretty much useless, because Thundurus ruins your day,
its only really consistent against Landorus, but indlucing Eviolite pretty much serves the same purpose.

I also tested 2 Keldeo 2 Float Stone with 1 Switch and 1 Scramble Switch and found it to be incredibly consistent,
with only 4 Switches i just cant deal with the 4 Lasers 4 Catcher everything plays, but once Keldeo Stone is set up, you never have to worry about sleep flips or poison.

I agree with cutting tornadus, because he's pretty useless in the current format now that we have some lightning attackers. Though I think that running 2 keldeo is a liability, maybe run 1 as a tech card, but when you run more than that you risk starting with it more often, and losing 4 prizes.
Starting Keldeo isnt to bad, since you want to have Keldeo Float Stone up by turn 1 or 2 anyways,
just Skyla for Float Stone attach and retreat to your Attacker,
just one Keldeo is too risky imo, because if its priced you completely lose out to Lasers throughout the whole game.

I cut down to 1 Tornadus, 1 is fine, because loading up more than one in a game takes a lot of ressources.
I actually added a 4th Landorus, because i feel like starting with it is SO important in pretty much every matchup running around, i usually discard the other Landorus afterwards, except for the Darkrai Matchup.
Shaxe said:
Which pokemon do you remove for Cobalion EX?
I've removed 1 Tornadus EX and 1 Mewtwo EX to make room for 2 Cobalion EX. Still in early playtesting stages though.
TuxedoBlack said:
Shaxe said:
Which pokemon do you remove for Cobalion EX?
I've removed 1 Tornadus EX and 1 Mewtwo EX to make room for 2 Cobalion EX. Still in early playtesting stages though.

Do you have techs for Plasmaklang? I still have Bouffalants in but I'm finding them lacking.
Shaxe said:
TuxedoBlack said:
I've removed 1 Tornadus EX and 1 Mewtwo EX to make room for 2 Cobalion EX. Still in early playtesting stages though.

Do you have techs for Plasmaklang? I still have Bouffalants in but I'm finding them lacking.
Yes. Agreed, Bouffalant does not inflict a sufficient amount of damage in the KK matchup.
Gamebreak0r said:
I actually added a 4th Landorus, because i feel like starting with it is SO important in pretty much every matchup running around, i usually discard the other Landorus afterwards, except for the Darkrai Matchup.

You're actually better off with a 3rd cobalion EX than a 4th Landorus. Starting Landorus EX vs Plasma Basics is most likely free 2 prizes for the Plasma Basics player.

Since you are running metal in this deck because of Cobalion EX (the energy line should be 4 prism, 4 metal, 4 fighting) , adding 2 Cobalion NVI would be your Plasmaklang and Kyurem counter. However, the match-up against Blastoise is really bad.

Garbodor is probably the best way to go in the BW-PLF format if you still want to use this deck.
RobertBenjamin said:
Gamebreak0r said:
I actually added a 4th Landorus, because i feel like starting with it is SO important in pretty much every matchup running around, i usually discard the other Landorus afterwards, except for the Darkrai Matchup.

You're actually better off with a 3rd cobalion EX than a 4th Landorus. Starting Landorus EX vs Plasma Basics is most likely free 2 prizes for the Plasma Basics player.

Since you are running metal in this deck because of Cobalion EX (the energy line should be 4 prism, 4 metal, 4 fighting) , adding 2 Cobalion NVI would be your Plasmaklang and Kyurem counter. However, the match-up against Blastoise is really bad.

Garbodor is probably the best way to go in the BW-PLF format if you still want to use this deck.

No Mewtwo EX and DCE? I don't think just having Garbodor is enough to counter Deoxys EX, though it is a great card vs Klinklang.
RobertBenjamin said:
Gamebreak0r said:
I actually added a 4th Landorus, because i feel like starting with it is SO important in pretty much every matchup running around, i usually discard the other Landorus afterwards, except for the Darkrai Matchup.

You're actually better off with a 3rd cobalion EX than a 4th Landorus. Starting Landorus EX vs Plasma Basics is most likely free 2 prizes for the Plasma Basics player.

Since you are running metal in this deck because of Cobalion EX (the energy line should be 4 prism, 4 metal, 4 fighting) , adding 2 Cobalion NVI would be your Plasmaklang and Kyurem counter. However, the match-up against Blastoise is really bad.

Garbodor is probably the best way to go in the BW-PLF format if you still want to use this deck.

That might work in a different format, but running 4 special energy with no way of getting them back is rough. Especially with most darkrai decks running 2 enhanced nowadays, I mean sure it opens up more options, but it's better to run a striaght split with skyla and energy search imo.
you can do a 6-6 or 7-7 with energy searches but imho this energy line-up is more consistent. You should be running exp share as well since that is the only way you can keep up with the energy acceleration seen in most decks at the moment.

you can add mewtwo ex in your line-up if you want.

to be honest, i won't recommend playing landorus cobalion because of the lack of energy acceleration. plasma basics plays like this deck but it has energy acceleration. so if you have the cards its better to play plasma basics.
MrGatr said:
Prisms/Victini wreck that KK nicely for me.

The problem is that when you have no energy accel. you can't pull a surprise Victini. In the extra turn it takes to set it up,they'll either KO it or be otherwise prepared for it.
RobertBenjamin said:
you can do a 6-6 or 7-7 with energy searches but imho this energy line-up is more consistent. You should be running exp share as well since that is the only way you can keep up with the energy acceleration seen in most decks at the moment.

you can add mewtwo ex in your line-up if you want.

to be honest, i won't recommend playing landorus cobalion because of the lack of energy acceleration. plasma basics plays like this deck but it has energy acceleration. so if you have the cards its better to play plasma basics.

More consistent t1 sure, but late game when you get a third of your energy enhanced hammered, you'll figure out it's better to have basic energy. Anyway this has may have been just my experience, but there's been a boost in special energy removal since the Plasma Basics deck came out. Big basics has incorporated Cobalion EX, and enhanced hammer techs have made it into many lists. Especially when you have no way of accelerating energy, it's very important to keep your energy on your pokes instead of in the discard.
I don't know if this counts as big basics, but I run Lucario (Plasma storm) in a deck with Mewtwo and Landorus and it has served me well. It's already good against Darkrai, but late game, it can OHKO EXes and change the prize counts very quickly.
3x Tornadus EX (Blow through)
2x Landorus EX (Hammerhead)
2x Lugia EX (Plasma Storm)
2xBouffalant (Bouffer)

2x Colress
3x Juniper
3x N
3x Skyla

1x Scramble Switch (ACE SPEC)

2x Virbank City Gym

4x Hypnotoxic Laser
4x Catcher
3x Switch
3x Colress Machine
3x Ultraball
2x Energy switch
1x Max Potion
1x Super Scoop Up (This use to be 2 max potion and im still unsure)
1x Tool Scrapper
1x Energy Search

6x Fighting Energy
4x Plasma Energy
4x Double Colorless



The aim is to get Tornadus or Landorus out early game because of their low energy attacks and high HP they can start dealing damage nice and early with the addition of Virbank and Lasers. Landorus, combined with Lasers and Virbank can be hitting the active for 60 and 30 to the bench on turn one. Tornadus can do 90 to the active first turn as long as I get either a Laser or Virbank in hand and a Skyla to search out which one isnt in my hand.

Because I only need to attach 1 energy each to them I can start loading up my Lugia to sweep up after the targets have been softened for extra prize cards using my Catchers and Colress Machines to make it happen rather quick, when the deck runs well I can have 3 prize cards by turn 3 and use Switch to get Lugia back on the bench and start it all again.

The Scramble Switch is for surprise attacks from Lugia and as well as Energy Switch and Max Potion I can heal which ever active I have had out.

I use Bouffalant to soak up damage while loading up Lugia if my active is knocked out or if im having a bad run and it still keeps me ahead in the prize race.
Energy Search is there to help me out in situations where im not getting the right energy for Landorus and if my Landorus is fine it makes for good discarding with Ultraball.

The thing im really thinking about is my Supporter line and the Max Potion/Super Scoop Up thing. I think I need more Supporters as im usually running 12-15 and it just feels weird playing with so little but the deck runs well because its a very easy deck to set up. The big one that is getting me is should I put the second Max Potion back in or get rid of it and run 2 Scoops.
I think the Scoop can work nicely as most of my Pokemon that will be scooped only run 1 energy card and can be scooped and re played without losing any time, it almost works as a Switch/Max Potion in one but it depends on my roll.

What are your opinions, what could you suggest to help me build the consistency of this deck and do you think I could work with it to become a tier 1 competitive deck? I know that TDK makes me cry like a little girl but at least the deck is expensive and not so many people (in my region) run it yet.
I'd suggest you playtest a lot against TDK, aka Plasma Box (probably the most popular deck right now). The PF Kyurems can wreak havoc on Landos; so, you will need to consider how to counter those.
TuxedoBlack said:
I'd suggest you playtest a lot against TDK, aka Plasma Box (probably the most popular deck right now). The PF Kyurems can wreak havoc on Landos; so, you will need to consider how to counter those.

I'm tinkering with a Landorus/Cobalion to combat against plasma, with acceleration through victini. Versus TDK the only problem is getting a bad hand or the opponent using deoxys offensively(but landorus handles okay), otherwise use cobalion versus kyurem and landorus versus Thundurus.
Versus genesect victini+victory piece OHKOs any starting pokemon thrown out.
Consistency is nice since heavy balls can get out the heavy hitters,
I am pretty much playing a Victinibox deck that uses 2 Cobalion and a few techs, but should I throw in something other than Terrakion NVI to counter Thundurus? I run basically 1 of a lot of things that can counter some of the main decks, but it basically just wrecks VirGen and Cobalion is for the Kyurem PLF. Any advice on what to add to the deck?
Your Master said:
I am pretty much playing a Victinibox deck that uses 2 Cobalion and a few techs, but should I throw in something other than Terrakion NVI to counter Thundurus? I run basically 1 of a lot of things that can counter some of the main decks, but it basically just wrecks VirGen and Cobalion is for the Kyurem PLF. Any advice on what to add to the deck?

don't forget that Cobalion EX is great to take out counters like Siglyph/Suciene and "Blockers"