RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! PoV 2 will begin soon!
OoC: Because I didn't post for a while at the beginning, I just found out I have an inflatable bed.
IC: Dec stopped writing. He realized that it was very peaceful up in the attic. And, since it was
very hard to find, he was positive he was the only one who knew about it. Dec had finally found a sanctuary. He decided to explore the small, dusty space. After a while of searching, he found a roll of duct tape and some scissors. A plan suddenly formed in his head.
Dec went downstairs to his room, making very sure no one saw him. Once there, he continued to make renovations on his inflatable bed.
After a long time, Dec had finally finished his new bed. He had cut apart the bed and remade it into an inflatable pool, which he had filled with water from a Hydro Pump (because there is no running water). He had moved his bed over a heater to warm up the water. He finally had somewhere comfortable to lie down. He sat in his bed, contemplating the PoV.
Even if I'm not in it, I can still make my guess, Dec thought. He thought through all the Pokemon that hadn't been chosen and confirmed that they hadn't done it. He suddenly had a flash of brilliance.
I know who did it, Dec thought confidently,
It was...
Later, he realized that Pokemon would get suspicious if he was the only one with a new and improved bed. He left the duct tape and scissors in the hall with a note: "Useful for renovating an inflatable bed. Go ahead and use them."
OoC: Just watched part of Season 10 of the real Big Brother... now I get what's going on a
lot better!