Finished Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! Derek and Scorch win HoH 3, Derek getting the HoH!

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RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! PoV 2 will begin soon!

OoC: I'm kinda am a detective in the PoV. No Igor.
In: "When you have your suspect, bring them to me and Officer Magnezone please."
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! PoV 2 will begin soon!

OoC: Realized I made a typographical error in my post. Changed "Totodile" to "Squirtle" in the ruling-out.

In: *brings Cyndaquil to Joey and Officer Magnezone* I am 60% confident that I got this one right.
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! PoV 2 will begin soon!

Officer Magnezone: "Hmm... This Cyndiquil may burn, but this is not it. Sorry, slop until eliminations. No more picks for you."
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! PoV 2 will begin soon!

And there we go, into that 40%. Well, better get my slop-stomach in place.

OoC: Will you ever host a poll where the rest of the community gets to decide what the Have-Nots can eat in addition to slop (like they do on CBS)?
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! PoV 2 will begin soon!

OoC: I would if a mod were playing. But, sadly, no, not for now.
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! PoV 2 will begin soon!

"I believe that Octillery tripped over Charmander's flaming tail. Charmander could have used the vines and water to make it appear that the Grass Pokemon and Squirtle commited the crime. Therefore, I'm bringing Charmander to Officer Magnezone and Joey."
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! PoV 2 will begin soon!

*Officer Magnezone looks at Charmander* "Sorry, not the culprit described. Slop for you, stand by Jeremy please."
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! PoV 2 will begin soon!

OoC: Because I didn't post for a while at the beginning, I just found out I have an inflatable bed.

IC: Dec stopped writing. He realized that it was very peaceful up in the attic. And, since it was very hard to find, he was positive he was the only one who knew about it. Dec had finally found a sanctuary. He decided to explore the small, dusty space. After a while of searching, he found a roll of duct tape and some scissors. A plan suddenly formed in his head.

Dec went downstairs to his room, making very sure no one saw him. Once there, he continued to make renovations on his inflatable bed.

After a long time, Dec had finally finished his new bed. He had cut apart the bed and remade it into an inflatable pool, which he had filled with water from a Hydro Pump (because there is no running water). He had moved his bed over a heater to warm up the water. He finally had somewhere comfortable to lie down. He sat in his bed, contemplating the PoV. Even if I'm not in it, I can still make my guess, Dec thought. He thought through all the Pokemon that hadn't been chosen and confirmed that they hadn't done it. He suddenly had a flash of brilliance. I know who did it, Dec thought confidently, It was...

Later, he realized that Pokemon would get suspicious if he was the only one with a new and improved bed. He left the duct tape and scissors in the hall with a note: "Useful for renovating an inflatable bed. Go ahead and use them."

OoC: Just watched part of Season 10 of the real Big Brother... now I get what's going on a lot better! :D
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! PoV 2 will begin soon!

Maybe those aren't streaks of vine...maybe they are feathers....
What is a starter-feathered pokemon?

"Officer? I kind of suck at this and will probably lose, but I am assuming Torchic."
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! PoV 2 will begin soon!


IN: I need to think hard about this one. Could the burns not be from a fire type? What else causes burns? YATTA! How about sunlight in general? If there are vines around the place, could the burns be caused by a certain grass move known as Solarbeam be the weapon of choice? Now small problem, there are two grass-type starters that could've done it: Bulbasaur and Chikorita. Now to differentiate the two. Both get Solarbeam and Vine Whip leveling up afaik. One gets Leaf Guard (Chikorita) as their ability in that place Munna took me too. The other (Bulbasaur) gets Chlorophyll there too. Ack! I forgot about the PokéBall marking on Octillery! What could've caused that?! Perhaps it came from Brawlville where Chikorita can be found in Pokéballs? That sounds about right. INTERNAL MONOLOGUE OUT

*wily rushes to Officer Magnezone and crashes into Isa* Sorreh 'bout dat. Hope you're not hurt, ma'am. Officer, I think I have your culprit! *Shows Chikorita* If I am right please give my reward to Isa. The food 'ready tastes like slop, so I am not missing much. : )
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! PoV 2 will begin soon!

Officer Magnezone: "Sorry Wily, you are also on slop. Isa, there is only Bulbasaur and Squirtle left. Torchic was never a suspect."
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! PoV 2 will begin soon!

She slaps her forehead.
"That's fine Wily, it was probably an accident. Um...I hope my guessing skills are okay...Bulbasaur?"
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! PoV 2 will begin soon!

Bulbasaur: RATS! A guesser found me!
Officer Magnezone: "I heard that. Isa, you have won the PoV."
OoC: PM me for script.
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! PoV 2 will begin soon!

Dec heard the news that Bulbasaur was the culprit. "I knew it!" He exclaimed loudly. He excitedly wrote down his reasoning, eager to be the first. Bulbasaur is the Grass-type, and can learn Grass Knot, which trips a foe, which must have tripped the Octillery. Vine Whip could have made the vine marks. The burns came from Natural Gift, which can be a fire type if the held Berry is the correct kind of Berry. The splash of water is not actually water, but Berry juice, from the Berry that allowed Natural Gift's type to be fire. Bulbasaur is the only Pokemon to learn all of these moves, so Bulbasaur is the only one who could have done it. Dec finished his writing, very proud of himself.

Dec put's down his pad of paper. He wanders to the backyard and walks up to Isa. "Congratulations," he says.
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! PoV 2 will begin soon!

OoC: Derp. I guess it helps to be active.

IC: Boop face palms, and puts down his pad and pencil. "Dang it! I was so close to finding the culprit." Boop held up his scribbles.
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! PoV 2 will begin soon!

Jeremy examined the scribbles. One of them looked like a fat happy person. Another looked like it could be a fire hydrant? He couldn't make heads or tails out of what Boop had drawn.
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! PoV 2 will begin soon!

Boop facepalmed. "NO! It's not a fire hydrant, it's a Ritz cracker. The fat happy person is Gabourey Sidibe. You know, the chick who played Precious from the movie Precious based on the novel "Push" by Sapphire."
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! PoV 2 will begin soon!

Jeremy stared at Boop. "You know," he said, "there's a reason they called it 'Push'."

*Family-Guy-esque flashback*

There is a tall brick building with a large red '+' sign painted on the wall. A man yells from inside: "Congratulations Sapphire, it's a boy!" The woman inside shouts "I have to write a book about this!!"
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! PoV 2 will begin soon!

Ooc: When will the game resume?
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! PoV 2 will begin soon!

OoC: Once Aggiegwyn posts the PoV message, we shall resume.
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