Pokemon Biggest nobody Pokemon

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well put it this way, until now no-ones mentioned the poor little guy... I think thats saying something lol

also Quilfish! ^^
dunsparce, stupid bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad, you get the idea;)

the only thing good that came from it is SS Dunsparce, the GOD start pokemon, better than DX jirachi, and that's saying something.

Arcanine out.
Gligar would be the biggest nobody, except he's the only Ground/Flying Pokemon.... And also, in Pokemon Stadium 2, when you beat the gym leader castle twice you get a Gligar that knows baton pass.... So Gligar's a tiny somebody...
ohh I didnt know about that gym leader thing... I would say Tauros, but apparently he's good in battle. I think the nobodys are:
Dunsparce (ignoring tcg)
Misdreavus <---- absolutely NOTHING special. Nothing.

I would say lickitung, but didn't team rocket have one AGES ago or something?
is luvdisc even mentioned here, that small hearth fish, he's so nobody, that I forgot he even existed, no good cards, no real special appearances, no special stats/type, he's definitely a nobody.

bacon-boy said:
Ah still pointless though... oh and farfetch'd.
farfetched is not a nobody, it even has an item just for him and has a boxtopper
yeah, why was that item ever invented??? And I dont play tcg, so I didnt know about the box topper... luvdisc has to up there though. But I'd have to say dunsparce, although someone said he was good as a card.
RE:   Biggest nobody Pokemon

Tomokazu Komiya said:
Lord9511 said:
Luvdisc's got an entire episode for him, I think. But do that matter?

They give just about every Pokemon an episode. (except porygon2... :D)
did you have to remind me :(, well, like tomo said, every Pokémon has his own episode, so if that's all you guys can say, than I think I found the biggest nobody :p
RE:  Biggest nobody Pokemon

burrut13 said:
im thinkin all bug types except for heracross and scizor
butterfree: ash had 1
beedril: has more then 5 anime appearances
pinser: 1st trainer Ash battled has 1
beautifly: may has 1
dustox: Jessy had one
RE:  Biggest nobody Pokemon

Live said:

'Nuff said.
what, has a banned episode, got 800 kids in the hospital, is a not-legendary genderless pokémon, has his own item to evolves, costs 9999 coins at the game corner, is 3D, can get in computers, and can change his type with 2 attacks that only he can learn
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