Pokemon Biggest nobody Pokemon

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Not quite. Jynx are quite effective Special Sweepers in both the 3rd and 4th generations, as it has STAB moves that best utilise its stats, such as Ice Beam and Psychic.

For me, it has to be Luvdisc. Why would you train it when there are such good other Pokemon that are pure water types, such as Blastoise, or even Suicune? Just seems stupid...
Jynx is a goddess. Never defile her name or she will smite you.

Luvdisc itself is the gimmick, it's a talking heart. :/

Anyway... this thread is beyond dead. You could have been cool and waited until a couple days after May 31 to revive this, but this is just dumb.

Did you really think a thread this dead really needed to be drudged up from the pits of dead topics? Bah. Everyone go away.
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